So they've been doing something about the causes of these chemicals, right? ...... Right?

My neighbor is a certain dad with a fictional talk show about tools who may have voiced a spaceman. I once talked to him about his brand new brown lab puppy named Cocoa before I realized who I was talking to.

r/TheNightFeeling entire sub for this! I like your username and I agree

Local here. You've talked to the Manitou ferry team today, I take it?

...... Leland local here. This is a learning opportunity for everyone else: don't do this. If you are not prepared to be "stranded" on the island in the event the family owned and run ferry cannot get out there, then don't go.

Next time, OP, camp on the mainland.

Local here. Love this photographer! You all should follow him

I lived in Wisconsin for like 14 years... Drivers have two modes: hung over or heading to the bar

Thank you sir we really do appreciate this sentiment, and we love playing games and watching twitch streams with you!

It's the same in twitch chat too. Like, gentlemen, I too am a fan of this streamer, let's just chill and crack jokes together.

Can you recommend what you are watching? YouTube, docs, etc? I'm now curious

That green one with the dark wood is just lovely, especially with the plants

Changing up the lighting in your house? What do you mean? What did you change and how did that help?

Love this one. The realization at the end... Oh, America.

Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum, Mandelbaum!

Luke from Gilmore Girls is spongeworthy and does eventually take care of those sideburns

Can't add anything more to what's been said but OP, this rug is lovely, where's it from?

Forget Bozo. Bozo's out, he's finished. It's over for Bozo!