dig what you dug. i didn’t like it much at first but its now one of my favourites from remote

they didn’t play it at my tmtio show in 2022 which is why i didn’t put it, but i love that song so i hope they play it!

i love it a lot! i’ve got a couple of skips to be fr but the highlights of the album are definitely some of wallows’ best work yet

  1. bad dream
  2. don’t you think it’s strange?
  3. going under
  4. only ecstasy
  5. calling after me
  6. a warning
  7. anytime, always
  8. you (show me where my days went)
  9. your apartment
  10. canada
  11. shes an actress
  12. i wouldn’t mind

my ranking is always changing but this is what i’m feeling rn. the top 5 is fully interchangeable depending on my mood LMAO

i’m glad i could help out! i’ve also got tickets for the model tour in august, i’m super excited! with the TMTIO tour, they changed the setlist every night but i’ve heard they will be more consistent with the model tour setlist. i’m hoping they keep the audience pick though

im not sure what people will be wearing but you can probably expect typical indie style, really anything a member of the band would wear.

in terms of setlist (excluding model songs):

they will 100% play these —> are you bored yet, i don’t want to talk, these days, OK

they’ll probably play these —> remember when, quarterback, scrawny, pleaser, at the end of the day, especially you, dig what you dug

they might play these —> marvelous, just like a movie, treacherous doctor, 1980s horror film, uncomfortable

of course they won’t play THAT many non-model songs, but these are some non-model songs based on how likely i think they are to get played. anything i didn’t mention will probably not get played unless it’s an audience pick. i got lucky on my TMTIO tour show, the audience pick song was “do not wait”!

hope this helped :)

taking AP literature, AP psych, and AP bio next year - how cooked am i?

i’m currently in the last stretch of my grade 11 year and did my course selection for grade 12 around a month ago. i chose to take 3 APs (the ones mentioned in the title) so i was wondering how bad of a workload i should expect, and if anyone has tips for managing it? im no academic prodigy, my average is a 92 so keep that in mind. i’d just like to know anything people wish they’d known before taking any of these classes!

is “all of them” a valid answer?

die 🤗 (this isn’t harassment i promise unfortunately i am friends with this scum of a human being irl)

thanks! i love them too, easily in my top 5 off the album. if braeden sings it i will love it 😁😁

stop comparing art and appreciate the diversity of music challenge go! (chronically online music fans will fail)

bro thats insane when did u get to the venue? i got there at 5:30 but didn’t rlly get in till 6

can you link the thread? idk how to navigate twitter but i wanna see more on this

relationships as a whole are one of the most complex and emotion-invoking areas of human life, which makes them such good material to draw from in songwriting. i’ve noticed that wallows likes to stick to certain theme with their albums, like on nothing happens all the songs were about growing up. cohesiveness within an album and having an ongoing theme seem to be a way of writing wallows enjoys, and they do it WELL! these albums tell stories and it’s honestly really beautiful. i think model is way over-hated. there were some songs i didn’t like a ton such as i wouldn’t mind and she’s an actress, but also some super incredible songs like don’t you think it’s strange, only ecstasy, bad dream, and going under!

THANK YOU this realization made me appreciate the album so much more, wallows lyricism always hits ‼️

bad dream and don’t you think it’s strange? - two sides of the same story (lyrical analysis)

i’ve never been a massive lyrics person so i might be fully off, but i think “don’t you think it’s strange” is the other perspective of “bad dream”.

this is gonna be stupidly long, apologies in advance

bad dream —> the way i interpret this song is that it’s about a relationship failing due to poor communication. the narrator is trying to help their partner, but their partner is shutting off and refusing to be helped. they use the metaphor of a bad dream to express some sort of “rock bottom” in the partners life.

“Are you running away from something? Are you worried you're feeling nothing?” - the narrator just has a million questions because they don’t know whats going on with their partner whom they care about so much. they don’t know if their partner is trying to escape some kind of hardship in their personal life, or if they have just fallen out of love.

“I'm not in your head, can you help me understand?” - there is clearly something bothering partner and all the narrator wants is for the partner to communicate so they can help.

“Are you having a bad dream, baby? I wanna wake you, but you won't let me” - the bad dream resembles the rough patch in the partners life, and waking up resembles getting better. the narrator wants to help the partner but the partner is shutting off and not accepting any support.

don’t you think it’s strange? —> the partner of bad dream becomes the narrator in this song, and vice versa. i interpret this song to be about a person dealing with their own issues which causes them to have a hard time communicating with their partner. the partner might think the narrator doesn’t care about them anymore, but they do. they just are battling their own war at the same time which is draining all of the narrator’s energy.

“There’s words you want to hear that I can't seem to make clear” - the narrator of DYTIS knows their partner wants to be let in, but they just can’t explain how they feel.

“I may not always be present, but Even if I looked the other way, love Doesn’t mean I've got nothing to say, love” - the narrator knows they aren’t communicating well, and even if they seem detached that doesn’t mean they don’t care about their partner.

“Wonder if I’m ever gonna wake up” - uses the same metaphor as bad dream (which i find super clever). the narrator is so deep into their own sadness they don’t know if they will “wake up” which symbolizes getting better.

“‘Do you even care at all?’ I try to” - the partner starts to question whether or not the narrator even cares about them, but the narrator is just trying to do their best despite the mess they have going on internally. this parallels the line in bad dream where the partner was worried this narrator has stopped feeling love for them

i find this super cool honestly, i really love wallows’ lyricism it’s always resonated with me. i’m not sure if anyone else has picked up on this, i haven’t seen anyone talk about it. but i noticed and i wanted to share! thanks to anyone who read this far hehe :)

i honestly can’t tell if its cole or dylan but if it wasn’t released as cole’s variant i’d definitely say dylan. cole did sound dylan-fied in i wouldn’t mind tho so maybe it is cole 🤷‍♀️


i SWEAR he smiled at us and looked us in our eyes 🤞🤞

YOOO i live in canada but i’m fully egyptian and a fellow joost fan!!