[3] Difficult USA Locations #23Challenge Series

Challenge Link

This series will feature interesting and unique locations within the USA (50 states only). This is a no moving series with no time limit. Best of luck!

Series High Score: 20187, solarsensei

One of my absolute favorites, so unique!

Psychedelic horror?

What psychedelic horror movies are good? I'm looking for something trippy and visually interesting while still having genuine horror elements to watch while high. Is Last Night in Soho like that? I've already seen Color out of Space and liked it a lot. The last few episodes of Smiling Friends have also kinda been like this, which I loved.

Yeah as a man, I've literally never touched that metal plate. I've never really thought about it, I think my brain has always just instinctively avoided it, thinking it'd be dirty.

And for me it fills me with infinite joy and relief. Funny, isn't it?

There's nothing wrong with wanting those songs to be part of a cohesive album rather than just being thrown out there, they're not even on streaming

Can you share the recipe? That looks scrumptious

[3] Difficult USA Locations #22Challenge Series

Challenge Link

This series will feature interesting and unique locations within the USA (50 states only). This is a no moving series with no time limit. Best of luck!

Series High Score: 20187, solarsensei

I'm as leftist as they come, but you are living in a fantasy world if you don't think Biden came off so much worse. Unfortunately to the layman, coherently spoken lies look better than clumsily stated truths.

I don't see what's bad about RYM. It's good for finding new music and way more objective having thousands of people's opinions rather than just one guy.

Have you never had guacamole?

When I lived in downtown Chicago, Walgreens was pretty much the only option if I needed something simple. Anything else was like a 20 minute walk.

Every other state I've driven in is the same way just the speed limit is like 55, but everyone still goes at least 80.

Yup, it's creepy the way people's sympathy in situations like this goes completely out the window when the fear is irrational. It doesn't change the mental anguish the person is experiencing.

Yesss. When I'm high responding to work emails I always panic thinking what if my totally normal response sounds stupid or weird or if it sounds like I'm high lol.

I hate my job because it's stressful and easy to make mistakes. Weed would only make that worse.


So when your optometrist told you that you need to take them out every night or you could go blind, you were just like "Fuck it, I'm sure leaving them in for 10 years straight is totally cool" And not only that, you just kept buying more and shoving them in your eyes month after month? Or maybe God forbid, you use daily instead of monthly contacts so you have a pair in your eye for every day for the past 10 years!? Jesus Christ, how do they even fit in there? Your corneas must hate you. I'm sorry but as someone who wears contacts this is impossible for me to wrap my head around.


Just shut up already and listen to LiveLoveA$AP


Wow, are you serious!? You would have sex with a beautiful woman? What kind of sick freak are you?

[3] Difficult USA Locations #21Challenge Series

Challenge Link

This series will feature interesting and unique locations within the USA (50 states only). This is a no moving series with no time limit. Best of luck!

Series High Score: 20187, solarsensei