Had this bookmarked for a while, tried it today.

Your ARM app is broken and won't open on ventura.

The standard OS app works (because of Rosetta, I imagine) but won't discover any translation files in the live editor, though the translation files show fine in the full editor.

Might be because I was using 6.0.1 which isn't in the recommended versions list but I'm on angular 16 which also isn't listed in the version table; no other versions would install for me.

Overall, not a tool I was able to get running. Nice looking website, though.

When in combat, i always center my cursor and then hold the right mouse button down else my aiming gets wonky.

I mean, they also said "remake = bad" which means Twelve Monkeys is a bad movie somehow??

Six production companies' logos at the beginning is usually not a great start.

I've yet to find a decent source of high Draculin blood for Night Maidens.

I've heard you get more odds of high draculin blood from the prisoner transports in silverlight, but they're too high-level for me to farm right now.

I suspect that there is a cap to how many 100% of each blood type can exist in the world, and they don’t despawn unless you kill them.

I ended up just riding around the entire world on my horse and finally found another 97%

so if there's a cap, your world wasn't at it because you only found a single 97% and no 100%...?

Because that's what humans eat, right? Raw fish?

tbh I haven't had sashimi in an age and I could definitely demolish a plate of it right now.

I've placed 50 staircases next to walls; I have no idea what you think you're saying. ;D

eh... I'd actually be happy if there were periodic townsfolk raids that involved defending the castle heart. Having a system that was smarter about knowing that a path exists to the heart would be great, so arbitrary restrictions can be minimized as long as you've got an assailable heart.

hmm, not sure about that. I made a prison on the lower area with stairs up to the crypt on floor 1 of the upper area, but I still can't make these stairs mate without a landing.

but there is a way to access that floor... the upper set of stairs connects to a landing that has stairs down to the "ground" floor.

Weird thing; it was happy to place the set covering the natural stairs, but adding another set to it (to a higher landing that already existed) made it cranky.

I'm not doing that; I'm replacing a natural set of stairs with a stone set, and then continuing the stairs upward to a landing.

Any other stair gotchas I should know about? I thought I'd seen folks with stairs that meet up at the same landing, but I'm having some trouble with that, too.

Completely unrelated, but have you read this book called City Primeval?

I turned off all my summons while I was farming blood. Found a 100% rogue, dominated him. Opps, my dusk callers aren't in my bag...? Guess I have to drag him all the way home.

SHIT, he got killed by a wolf on my DOORSTEP.

Look down uh. My dusk callers are on my goddamn action bar this whole time.

I will only accept "Horace" as an acceptable name for my horse. :)

yeah, I was looking at that one. I thought the nodes were guaranteed but I had about a 20% success rate visiting those spots. ty

Can't find a stone golem for farming cheese...Question

I haven't played since before 1.0. Started a new server and can't find any golems. Were they removed?

I think there's another mechanism. I read about it in this book called City Primeval.