Everything except sniper gets best hit chance at point blank range. But yes if you plan to shoot from mid range, you want an assault rifle (or cannon) over a shotgun

Even assault rifles and cannons are still most accurate at point blank. Just less of a bonus than the close range weapons

If you're that new, you don't know what is balanced or not

No, the enemies are almost all based on time, you most likely imagined it

Depends on map. If you are being defensive then yes it's just fast castle then boom, as long as you can survive feudal attacks, and don't need trebs to defend against castle drop. If you want to attack first then you need to work out a build to attack as early as possible with your target units (map dependent).

Basically each age unlocks particular things, you only need to go up to that age if you're actually going to use those, or in the case of imp (if you don't need trebs) then because you have a bunch of resources and want more upgrades. If you don't know what you want from an age then your timing is irrelevant

I'm pretty sure commander has no cheating, just the first two.

What do you mean by 95% cap? & Are you sure?

Darkest dungeon IIRC rounds up by 5, so it's impossible to miss a displayed 95% - specifically to avoid the sense of injustice.

I think hidden bonus tricks like this (INCLUDING XCOM lower difficulties bonuses) are part of the problem, because a lot of people have taken a lot of 80\90\95 shots that just never miss

Yeah fair call. I guess I've always imagined 'playstyle' only applies within the assumption of trying to win \ optimise \ play well, different ways of achieving that goal. But I suppose playstyle can encompass just about anything!

Satisfaction! Pride!

Neither of which I have, so I don't know if they're worth it. But theyre not nothing!

That's not a 'playstyle', it's just sub optimal gameplay. Pillaging is always great value

Talk to your team, let them know how bad your situation is. I've played games where if I'd realised how badly teammates were doing we probably would have called it early. You don't need to call it, just let them know. Ask them how they're doing.

All you need is one player to do well enough to eventually dominate and win if the rest of the team can hold on and keep the opposition in check.

On the other hand if EVERYONE is losing maybe you can just call it and start the next game.

Keep in mind TG rule #1: never resign if your team is not ready to resign. It's always a 'group decision'

Lol, pretty sick comeback. Tough but fair. You deserve kudos. Let the fat man writhe. Your friends are clearly out of touch and don't appreciate a good burn.


I reckon develop some cool out there meme strat, then work out how to ping a recording of one of your great games to t90.

We can also look it up online, it's not that it's impossible to find out, but that doesn't mean we want to see it unexpectedly in the middle of a mildly related Reddit thread.

(For ref, I personally don't care in this instance, but I do care in general about people being respectful of spoilers.)

I think as a general rule of thumb, if SOMEONE thinks it's a spoiler, they represent a cohort of people for whom it's a spoiler. Whether or not someone else thinks it isn't is irrelevant

Lol, believe me, Spire is not too easy for you.

If you want the pleasure of a game that starts impossible but becomes possible as you power up, it's not for you. You stay pretty much the same. Card unlocks are a lot less significant than your own skill progression, which is the real driving strength for growth.

The growth comes in the form of the ascension system that makes the game HARDER over time, not easier. It's almost like reverse character growth I guess...

So far I'm nearly half way through the levels, and my win rate is about 50\50, and it has been fairly stable at each level.

It's broadly accepted that mag weapons is second only to squad size for priority improvements.

The proportional increase from mag to plasma is a lot less and also less important than skills and key items like bluescreen rounds. A sniper with bluescreen + fanfire + lightning hands + quick draw + a spider suit will happily nuke a gatekeeper with a mag pistol.

TBH, reading this thread, I find it hard to believe you're being honest. It sounds like you've genuinely done this, but are misrepresenting what actually happened, what won those games, the situation and or the elo of your opponent.

I don't think the strategy as you've described would work with any consistency at my elo of <900, let alone 1400. I've certainly died to similar very basic FCUU plays on arena, but a. I suck, b. I have no idea how to play arena so I'm never ready for a FC castle drop, and c. It was never TKs that won those games, nor would it have been. TBH if someone did this and followed up with TKs instead of just Knights or siege I'd feel like they were leaving the door open (a friend and I did actually face exactly this in a TG once, and we survived fine until the Teuton player switched to Knights...).

If you can't refund anything I'd personally play it through a couple times, then consider getting it on steam for the mods to create a new game experience. Game is perfectly playable sans mods. (Can't comment on epic specific bugs, though. But there are certainly plenty of bugs on steam version! Thankfully mostly minor.)

But it depends on your wallet (& the size of the steam sales, keeping in mind you will want the DLC too).

It's got a tutorial now!

The "ugh kill me now it's another tutorial screen" type, lol.

It is rarely optimal to overwatch over shooting normally.

If you can get someone to walk into your squad on their turn, that is an obvious plus. So if there is no-one alive on screen then ending turn in overwatch is a good option, as long as you aren't worried about time constraints.

Sometimes overwatch ambush from concealment is good value, but usually that pod is dead anyway, so who cares? If they're not dead anyway, you probably want to decide which enemy lives, or what special actions you're using to make up for a terrible ambush.

Early game you don't have many options so you may as well overwatch ambush and hope.

Some skills like guardian or killzone might make overwatch a good option in other circumstances, but probably not as often as you might think.

Very very occasionally you might have a single enemy in high cover and it might be worth overwatching for a ~10% aim boost, but this is also fairly rare.

Is it much different to / better than Endless Space 1? I downloaded that last night and I'm pretty disappointed TBH. Really feels like they've just put a bit of lipstick on Masters of Orion. Which itself was a decent game (for its day), but it feels very derivative without any gameplay distinction. (I also noticed I'm one of only 34% of people on Steam to have made it to 10 turns! That's gotta be the worst conversion rate of any game I've ever played!)

Gladius is junk gaming, like junk food but for 4X. I can't work out whether I like it or not, it's definitely trashy in comparison, but every few months I get the urge to boot it up again.

Lemme guess... 'Noob lobby'?

If reddit has taught me one thing, it's that those are the cesspool of the Age community

Sounds from other comments that this is a later game upgrade, and possibly locked in a DLC

Putting them side by side makes wallop look even better, and I loved it already