Vegetarians are taking over

You know I’m all do whatever you wanna do whoever you wanna be but I’m not pushing it down everybody else’s throats and in their faces teaching kids don’t know what this world is coming to. That’s just how corrupt this world is somebody high up and power is that wayand got enough sway to push it on everybody else corruption at its finest

That squirrel did a double triple flip, then ghosted the dog

You can tell 1422 short people watched this 😠😠😠

That there be an alien egg boss

If worms had gun$, birds wouldn’t fuk with them

Gotta be a doorway to another dimension where larva people and where larva

But this happened every time since 1981. Imagine how many essays there would be today not many.

I thought it was a pet cigarette bought it first

The duck ain’t ever lost a game of duck duck goose get the hell away from the tiger

You gotta know better sneak up on something that’s all claws and teeth. I’m getting ready to fight.

He had to seed all the way back, pushing hard against it but did you hear his big steel balls clink on the ground when he got out?

Their shit so clean ain’t a bunch of trash floating in it

I’m surprised gravity didn’t pull his big ass balls of steel back down on the side of the mountain

That would suck picking shit out your teeth every day, but this is FAF

PA it’s raining in Russians again