The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint!

I do think there were people in the capitol who had no intention of being insurrectionists and there were people there who actually believed the election was stolen and thus stopping the proceedings was a just and patriotic thing to do, however the militia/proud boy armor-wearers, zip tie otters, and violent stormers, as well as Trump and some of his lackeys, fully intended to overthrow the government, with full knowledge that he lost the election. That they were too incompetent to pull it off is not a defense.

Civil War Dwight Schrute: You’re not General Lee! General Lee isn’t Asian!

Still took their money in her business despite trash talking them.

She flirted with being good but ended up with a mob son and was defending the mob near the end. Sounded like Karen Hill honestly.

Gene was only trying to get out because he was facing prison.

Wasn’t my cup of tea but he’s a friend of some of my friends so I’m glad to see him back on his feet.

They’re correct if you view it as the projection that it is.

Yeah I’ve never been to a public gathering, sure.

God damn lots of bootlickers here.

Some of you guys need to start eating more sandwiches if you think metal skis aren’t fun.

The real answer is cost.

Yes. The difference between a wedge turn and an open track parallel turn is the timing of the release of the old turn. Most people aren’t going to have sophisticated enough release movements to make parallel turns right away.

So why is it illegal to eat a sandwich there?

Probably true. I have the form in my glove box, I live a mile from a police station, and I just never get around to it.

You can take the form to a police station and they’ll sign it.

Where in the op was football mentioned?