
Please spare us your insincere, backhanded sympathy. America does not (officially at least) fund Al-Shabaab.

Meanwhile, billions of US tax dollars go to Israel every year.

Maybe just maybe those protesting college kids don't want their money funding crimes against humanity.

Our civil war is drawing to a close, while the people of Gaza are currently suffering

Mostly it is empty, but there is still a significant population within those empty spaces since Somali culture is naturally nomadic pastoralist

When AS used to control these small towns, they would 'recruit' (kidnap) nomadic kids from the outskirts and use the towns as the base of operations basically.

Since the last counteroffensive regained many of these towns, it is mainly still contested south of the Jubba river.

For the most part you can consider the faction that rules the city as the ruler of the nearby areas/outskirts as well (so FGS now)

AMISOM has done next to nothing to combat Al-Shabaab

The recent changes in territorial control is due to the Macawiisley (local clan militias) uprising against AS rule, Gorgor (Turkish backed militia with TB2 and Akinci drone support), 5k Eritrean trained FGS soldiers, and intelligence support from Danab (US backed)

Somaliland claims all of what was previously the British Somaliland protectorate

However the regions of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (hence SSC) are majority inhabited by the Dhulbahante

This is a Darood sub-clan. Daroods also majorly inhabit Puntland, which is why they side with SSC against the Isaaq majority Somaliland

SSC-Khaathmo decided to remain it's own distinct state rather than be absorbed by Puntland however, due to sub-clan differences. They are closer aligned with the FGS than Puntland is.


Source 2)

Red: Federal government of Somalia (FGS)

Yellow: Somaliland

Green: SSC-Khaatumo (FGS aligned)

Orange: Contested between Somaliland and SSC-Khaatumo

missing from the map is Puntland, which is an autonomous region generally alligned with the FGS


Personally I've never had bad experiences with Arabs in my life. Not saying your experience isn't legit but just my anecdotal comparison

Plenty of blacks are xenophobic to Somalis. Should we no longer care for the suffering of innocent Congolese or Haitians? Of course we should care. Innocent people dying is a tragedy

Ethiopia didn't build the GERD, Italians built it for them

Also, Ethiopia sits on a geographically advantageous position for Hydro (Blue Nile). Somali doesn't.

Somalia will never have the supply chain to be competitive vs the Chinese in Solar or Hydro

Uranium mining is more environmentally harmful than Oil exploration for less profit (also isn't a renewable energy source). Our potential uranium deposits are in locations without existing infrastructure. It would take at least a decade of exploration and infrastructure building before we can pull a single ore out of the ground, let alone begin seeing profit

Why wouldnt we focus on an easily extractable, proven existing, easily fungible resource like oil now while it is still in high demand?

Who are going to sell oil to when even oil producing countries are also moving away to nuclear, hydro, solar and better renewable energy sources??

Oil demand will decrease in the future while the world decarbonizes, but it will always have important global applications (heating, petrochemicals, plastic, asphalt, etc)

Abowe I'm sorry to say but I'm in the same boat as you

Started supporting them in 2005, aabe put me on

19 years later and nothing but FA cups and broken promises 😭

they've been stressing me for 2 decades now

nothing but heartbreak and cope. its self harm at this point


The first 2 referendums were 56-44 and 53-46 in favor or remaining part of France

This last referendum was boycott by the Kanaks, which turned out with a 96-3 victory in favour of remaining French

Anyone can clearly see what this means. Kanaks overwhelmingly want to be independent, French settlers want to remain French. The French have just enough votes to always win, 'anti-democratic concessions' be damned.

Good when France does it, bad when Russia does it

Kanaks (indigenous people) vote for independence

The French settlers vote to remain... part of France

Sounds like a Crimea situation to me. Just move in a bunch of your own people and claim the majority support you.

Latvia and Estonia with their 25% Russian populations should be careful

It's simple, why pretend like it's some difficult arbitrary thing

Just like a swede knows what a swede is, Somalis know what we are

You can't tell the difference between an Cadcad and a Jareer? Or a Somali? Just open your eyes lol

Nothing controversial about it

Didn't say Reer Xamar cadcads, Jareers, or Barawanis aren't ethnically indigenous to Somalia now. They've been here forever so of course they are.

They just aren't 'Somali', ethnically. We know what Somalis are.

It's like Han, Uyghurs, Hui, etc. They are all ethnically indigenous to China, nationally Chinese, but separate ethnicities.

Somalis, Barawas, Jareers, and Cadcad Reer Xamars are not the same ethnicity, clearly.

Are you sure you're not the one confusing Ethnicity and Nationality, saxiib

Lol at everyone lying to you

They are clearly not ethnically Somali, but they're assimilated into Somali culture/society

just like Jareers, Barawani, etc. Nothing wrong with that at all.

is it really that unconceivable of an idea that Israel maybe unreasonably repressive towards Palestinians?

you say so yourself

If they’re not allowing cookies into Gaza, I think that’s probably pretty silly

to you, it seems silly. But maybe just maybe there is a more collectively punitive reasoning for barring Gazans from finished processed treats with 0 military application.... that their own civilians get to enjoy


but i guess it's not realistic. Israel is a paragon of freedom and morality. they would never do such a thing

just erring on the side of more restriction

what kind of reasoning is there to block everything in this manner, rather than specifically blocking bomb making material

why not just block sugar, fertilizer, etc rather than finished processed goods like chocolate chip cookies or potato chips?

why does it have to be block all or block nothing?

somalia is incorrect, so idk about the validity of the rest of the map lol

qabils (clans) =/= ethnicities


1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 is now hate speech under this act