What skill should I learn to freelance and be a digital nomad?

I (20M) live in the US and I want to be a digital nomad but the only skill I have is an intermediate Spanish level. There isn't a single job that interests me and I like making games on Roblox but I don't like programming in any other setting because it's easy to make them on Roblox and a lot harder anywhere else.

I have thought about doing graphic design but I know I don't have the passion for it and would give up long before I got good enough to make a living from it (just like any skill besides learning a language which is pretty useless in terms of making money).

I still live with my parents and could go back to college or learn the skill by myself but I need to find something that I'm passionate enough about and that I can do fully remotely so I can live a nomadic lifestyle.

:flag-us: United States of America

Will the immersion program have a lot of non-native speakers? I'm not going to improve if I'm listening to people who talk in a way that's easy for me to understand. Thank you for the advice!

:flag-us: United States of America

I changed the part of the post that had that quote because apparently it was confusing

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ N | πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Int

I think you're right about the mumbling. Thanks!

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ N | πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Int

For some reason you can hear much more saliva when I record in Tandem. It sounds like the end but for way more of the audio. Maybe Tandem just has a terrible recording system idk

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ N | πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Int

I guess that's true but I doubt they will be able to do anything. I think a speech therapist would be better (which I've been thinking about going to in order to learn to roll my r's because I've watched every video out there).

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ N | πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Int

I recorded audios in both languages and put them in the original post.

:flag-us: United States of America

I think it would be good but like you said a lot more people speak English there than most Spanish-speaking parts of Latin America and I don't want people to switch to English either to practice or because their English is better and they don't want to bother wasting time letting me practice. Would also be easy to start spending too much time in English to make any progress.

I know it's a bit selfish to go to the places where people don't speak English so they're required to converse in Spanish but my Spanish is good enough that I won't be spending 30-60 seconds to say a sentence that a native would say in 5 seconds or less and I'm never going to improve if I don't spend time in Spanish and I'm tired of doing language exchanges.

:flag-us: United States of America

I would assume you're right but there's no way to be sure without being there first.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ N | πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Int

I don't usually hear my friends' saliva though and I hear it literally every voice message I make that I listen to.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ N | πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Int

I don't think this is a dental issue.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ N | πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Int

I added it to the post.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ N | πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Int

I added it to the post.

:flag-us: United States of America

Please elaborate. What am I lacking in? Intelligence?

I'm not Chinese or Chinese American and I don't speak Mandarin (I want to learn it though) but after learning Spanish and interacting with a ton more people from outside the US I stopped saying I'm from Indiana and started saying I'm from Indiana, USA because no one besides people from the US knows Indiana exists. They always mention Indiana Jones and it's getting to the point where I might just start saying I'm from Ohio lol

:flag-us: United States of America

Maybe I phrased that wrong. I was trying to emphasize that I don't want to take language classes or do an immersion program because I don't want to spend 3 months conversing with other non-native speakers who speak slowly and don't slur words.

After reading that do you think it's not worth going because people won't want to include me because I'm gringo and don't speak Spanish perfectly?

What would be the best city for me to spend 3 months in in Latin America?Moving to Latin America

I want to spend 3 months in a Spanish-speaking country in Latin America to improve my Spanish and I think staying in the same city for the whole time would be the best idea. I want to go to a place that has very few people who are interested in speaking English but also has enough to do that I won't get bored and has tropical fruit available (especially mangoes and papayas) because I live in the midwest so I've never been able to try most of them.

I'm not exactly sure what I would do because I can't get a job without a work visa which is pretty hard to obtain from what I've heard so I was planning to live off of savings and maybe spend some time in my apartment learning a new useful skill unrelated to languages during the time I would otherwise be working.

To practice Spanish I was thinking about finding clubs, social events, and/or classes (unrelated to language learning. I don't want to take Spanish classes or go to an immersion program because I'm intermediate and need to be immersed with native speakers and not other learners).

I don't really care to do touristy things and I don't like places like nightclubs and I really don't want to be in a touristy area because it would mean a lot more people speak English. I want to spend as much time as possible in Spanish. Is there any city that fits what I want? I'd really appreciate any answers.

How do I stop my saliva from making noises when I speak?Studying

When I speak in my NL (English) everything is normal. When I speak in my TL (Spanish) it sounds like I'm eating breakfast. When I record audios to send to friends and listen to them myself I can hear my saliva literally every syllable. I feel like I'm in my mouth lmao.

How do I stop doing this?? I didn't think much of it until recently but I'm starting to feel embarrassed about it and self-conscious. I'm assuming it's because I've only made these sounds for the past two years but I don't know how to stop sounding like I'm eating every time I open my mouth.

I know this sounds like a language learning jerk-worthy post but I am dead serious lmao

Recording of me speaking English: https://voca.ro/19cd25dUZ3k4
Recording of me speaking Spanish: https://voca.ro/1hcsUnA6CiFo

I want to live in the wilderness indefinitely

Maybe I'm crazy. I've never been camping or backpacking or anything of that nature (pun unintended) but just thinking about working for the next 50 years of my life makes me feel so depressed (I'm 20). Even if I could retire in my 40s or 50s I would still have to do a job that I hate for 20-40 years without much time to do the things I enjoy because there is no job that I actually enjoy doing more than my hobbies but after working, sleeping, and other chores I am left with too little free time to make life worth living.

I think if I could find a partner who wanted to do this and enough other people who wanted to do it that we would have our own little village/civilization I would finally be able to happy. Humans were not designed to work in cubicles for 8 hours a day and spend very little time exercising (can be done but I don't want to waste my precious free time doing that) and that kind of lifestyle means you spend very little time outside in the sun.

I don't know if it would even be possible due to hunting laws but if I could find a remote place in a climate that is tropical enough that I wouldn't have to worry about the cold and if I could find enough people to avoid being lonely and if I could figure out how to keep myself entertained I would try it out for a month or two and if I enjoy it live that kind of lifestyle permanently.

I don't know why I'm posting this. I guess I just want to live how nature intended us to live or maybe I just need to go camping for a weekend lmao