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Ananı sikerim senin bak

I remember that if you have any of supply good shortage, your army will suffer a penalty that increases 0% to 50% linearly despite how much shortage you are in. 1 shortage will be enough. And also supply route efficiency block unit's morale recovery.

İnşallah gerçekten bu ermenilere soykırım yapmışıszdır lütfen yapmış olalım! burada yazılanlardan fazlasının da onlara olmasını o kadar çok istiyorum ki!

There is a warning when your leg. is below 50 and I think this is enough, rest is changin what legislation I want.

34 İstanbul

Kudur orospunun doğurduğu piç oğlu piç ananı kaç kere siktim senin haberin yok

34 İstanbul

Sus lan amını yurdunu siktiğimin evladı annene tecavüz edip öldüreyim senin

I do not have a chance in such a community of this amount of asocial, non educated, 10 hour per day gamers.

I am from Turkiye and I know that east anatolians are the most hairy ones in my country, but here this represented wrong. I wonder why.

Look, forget about gnp, I want just gain numbers for my (gdp?) from my 60 oil fields in baku. I want my line go up when I build 500 vineyards in punjab.

Bro I am not going to make you understand because I noticed that this is going to be hard.

Dear downvoters: how do you satisfy when 200 units irregular army, 10 SoL, most of it's profit goes to Britain, British's mandate colony india is the 2nd great power of the world?

There is no need for a citizenship system, if a manor house is in UK, it is from UK and GNP is accounting for UK that is all. This is my solution.

We all see that punishing a country very bad doesn't bring solutions. This is a scar, and will never heal.

34 İstanbul

Düşünemiyor musun aklın basmıyor mu nasıl olabileceğine yaşın mı küçük senin?

All the discussions here are just for a display form and measuring prestige by the way. You may like seeing gdp in your game and I may like seeing gnp in my game, but I say prestige should be measured by gnp.

I am saying if you have a toaster factory in UK when you are sitting in your manor house in USA, that factory's economy created should shown as USA's. All the discussions are just for a display form and measuring prestige by the way. You may like seeing gdp in your game and I may like seeing gnp in my game, but I say prestige should measured by gnp.

Just think about this then: consider a building makes 1 million gdp. In a game sweden has totally 300 buildings but only 100 of them are in sweden lands, others are in abroad. Should Sweden gain their prestige from all they have or just what are in their country? I think we should count what they have in the whole world.

Yes, your approach for manor houses is true. If they count them too, they would count private industries twice. You are right