I believe so or at least I suspect so. I've also saw these and literally witnessed a plane encircling my area leaving these lines which then disperse and spread all across the sky turning into massive clouds covering the sky.

:Scotland: Scotland

At this point I don't think anyone does. I'm sure var just hit a randomizer and let it decide.

:Scotland: Scotland

One thing the rules seem to fail to take into consideration is the advantage gained from the handball. This here is stopping a clear shot on goal which might have went in so imo the defender gains a massive advantage because he handled the ball. The one with the Danish player (I think) gained denmaerk very little advantage so I don't think that should have been a penalty. Fir me the wording of handball needs to be changed and it needs to take into consideration how much advantage was gained from the handball imo

Ye I'd agree although in reality had we got that penalty in the hungary game we more than likely would have won that much and qualified to the round of 16. The fickleness in football can be crazy at times. Clarke was pretty much 1 decision away from being a national hero but now it seems most want him gone completely. Overall we were far to defensive and just very poor on the ball. Out of all the teams at euros we looked the worst out of nearly them on all in terms of in possession.

Love how majority are totally oblivious to countries like China and Saudi Arabia using this technology. Majority just think it's crazy conspiracy nonsense which funnily enough is the perfect way the government want people to think. I'm not saying its happening in the UK but all I know is our weather has got suddenly far more random and unusual than ever and I don't think it's just climate change

Well let's see how all our lives miraculously improve because Labour are now running the country. It will as always improve very little in our day to day lives. Very little will change especially anything noticeable positive. I think that's where these type of sayings start and the fact that many mps are just pure and simply in it for themselves and very corrupt. I don't trust a single politician on this country

:Scotland: Scotland

Ah you don't need to worry its guaranteed he will have a bad game

Sadly it's the bigger picture that is the problem like the nations appetite for binge drinking, eating shite food and getting into drugs and partying. The sfa are full of clowns, the spl is run for the convenience of only the old firm. Even now we think we have a fair few players in the Premier league but there was a stat with Scottish players minutes played in the 70s compared to now and its crazy how little minutes Scots play at the highest level in England. We have regressed while every other football playing nation under the sun has improved.

Well I never fancied Wimbledon before and now i definitely won't be going

I gave up voting but only recently found out about spoiling your ballot. I just can't trust any political parties anymore. As far as I'm aware they are all lying crooks who only care about themselves. Think I'll spoil my ballot.

Labour are basically red tories these days and lib dem are basically yellow tories especially after their coalition with the tories a few years ago. Not a single party I would trust with my vote unfortunately. I remember voting for Labour all those years ago for them to take us to a completely unjust war in Iraq. As far as I'm concerned all politicians are absolute lying snakes and are only concerned with themselves and their bank balance

:Scotland: Scotland

Musiala, yamal and Williams have looked the most deadly in attack. I love vitinho for Portugal he's a class act him.

Me and my misses still piss ourselves at this one time when Roy was obviously having a bad day, usually he praised any answer, its good but it's not right etc but this one day this lady said a silly answer and Roy just says something along the lines of "that's not even an answer or "that doesn't even make any sense" or something along those lines. It was hilarious

:Scotland: Scotland

Might as well just ban everyone in the stadium as well

:Scotland: Scotland

Who gives a shit. Honestly why are you all so bothered about my opinion? absolute weirdos. I said what I said and still think it's in poor taste despite getting so many replies telling me I'm wrong but I still haven't changed my mind so wtf is the point in replying to me? Like I see shit every minute of the day I disagree with and more often than not I just ignore it and move onto the next post. Honestly never had so many replies for a fucking throwaway comment in my life. Get over it no one cares go pay your TV licence and move on

Wait you are angry that tesco don't do anything about shoplifters? I'd suggest you look into how much money tesco is making and how much they have robbed farmers in this country and Rob there customers daily. I'm not saying stealing is good but I honestly could not give a shit about anyone stealing from tesco.

:Scotland: Scotland

I think people just mean they were the better team for most of the game and I don't think anyone would deny this. Turkey got 2 goals from set pieces and after that didn't have much of the ball. But as people said if your 2 nil up it's only natural to give up possession and defend more

I was looking at the clouds last night and wondering why they clouds are always big long streaky lines. Like every day for months if there are any clouds it is the same clouds. Look like long lines that spread out across the sky. Something isn't right whether it's climate change or geo engineering something is way off

Something is happening with the weather that just isn't normal. I am more and more suspicious of geo engineering or weather modification every day. It's about the only thing that makes sense. Its no longer just conspiracies many governments have admitted to using such things.