I was on campus from 02-08 for undergrad and grad school. Parking was AWFUL. Twice, I ended dropping a T/R class on the first week because there was no place to park.

SBX and Malt Shop on the north end were cool, but I honestly didn’t know anyone who went there. Seemed like a thing freshmen would do occasionally until the novelty wore off.

Academically, I don’t know that it really was any different. I’ve always been a believer that you get out of education what you put into it. There were just as many complaints about classes/profs back then. If you dug in and made a solid effort, though, even the “hardest” classes taught you something. I thoroughly enjoyed all my student years.

Having spent seven years (14-21) working on the academic side, I DO feel that many instructors and professors have become more jaded and less engaged with classes. Driven by a combination of campus leadership concerns, budgetary constraints that ask more and more from them, and topped off by an overall lack of respect from the majority of students. With shrinking faculty and staff numbers, teaching, grading, advising, researching, recruiting, and assessment are all being lumped on to fewer and fewer plates. Then they show up to class to find only about 3 out of 20 students have any actual interest in the course material, yet the remaining 17 expect the same grades as the 3 who bust ass and kill every assignment. That may not have been EVERYONE’s experience, but that was the sentiment I got from every department meeting I ever sat in.

The up north cabin was always a dream of my parents (and myself) but they just couldn’t make it work financially. I watched property for years and finally pulled the trigger on five acres of raw land just outside Gaylord two years ago. My wife and I have a long-term plan of campsite -> place to park a small trailer/camper -> roll-off pre-built cabin. I plan for small septic and a well pumped with a small install of solar and battery bank - no electricity in the cabin, as it’s not something we require.

There’s just something about creating something that’s OURS that makes it feel worth all the work and time. I guess I’d rather be building equity vs. lining someone else’s pockets and having nothing lasting to show for it.

I wonder if you could trick IFTTT into working by adding some kind of secondary device? Maybe set the vibration sensor to trigger a YoLink plug, and then write your IFTTT routine to actually be triggered off the state of the second switch? Obviously a waste of a switch, but it also might get you somewhere for relatively cheap?

Posed a version of this question myself about three years ago. Installed in 2021 and we’re still on the air. Could be better, could definitely be worse. Most frustrating thing is that it’ll just hang up sometimes. Like it just says, “meh, this is boring. I’m gonna stop now”. Seems fairly random, when we dig into it. According to Crispin Support, there’s a known issue that can cause it to hang whenever you set a secondary event for a clip that doesn’t happen at 00:00. Our bugs usually drop in about :20, which is definitely not 00:00. Perhaps related, but it’s certainly not consistent. This has been resolved in the latest dot release, so I guess we’ll see soon.

There used to be a rustic cheesy tomato soup but it disappeared after the pandemic at my local IHOP. Is there an old recipe you can share?!

I’ve installed it in three TV control rooms thus far, and it’s been a delight to work with in that capacity. I’ve toured giant sports and live performance venues that are built around it. Just never really heard of radio pros doing it and wondered what the opinions outside my ears sounded like.

I’m out nothing by asking, thanks!

Maybe not weekly, but frequently enough that it’s in my dock. We’ve used it to do everything from identify hardware addresses to testing vlans when setting them up. Super useful, and I really only know a fraction of what it can do!

Following. I work with a little dork who would care a lot about this.

We use an empty (washed out) laundry detergent jug that has a push button spigot. Made up a stand out of PVC to hold it over a small basin. Great for washing hands!

I feel you! Took a maintenance engineer gig almost two years ago. I was a studio engineer, but had never done anything with actual broadcast engineering. The learning curve is steep, but the journey is super rewarding! Keep at it. I can’t believe how much I’ve learned in such a short amount of time. Listen, watch, and ask lots of questions. The people who came before you did the same!

Definitely check out UUFCM. I’m a non-believer, but feel perfectly comfortable there. Even spent three years on their board of trustees because they truly take you as you are. It does sound culty lol, but they’re the only group I’ve ever experienced that actually puts action behind their words. Uufcm.org 🏳️‍🌈☮️✌️

Offsite routing?

First off, I’m the “new guy,” so I’m just getting up to speed with a lot of the following information. If you have follow up questions, I’ll do my best, but my answers might be lacking the details you’re looking for!

We’re moving toward a major rebuild of our master control/playout automation and routing systems. Part of which is going to include the creation of a redundant offsite backup of major critical systems that will allow us to flip over to the backup system as we do our major facility renovations. We’re pretty settled on Crispin for automation and Harmonic Spectrum X for playout. Routing is where we’re just not satisfied.

A complete 2110 transition is out of the question, for now. We’re dreaming of a distributed hybrid routing model that would put a primary router (likely 160x160 or slightly fewer) in the main building and a significantly smaller router at the backup location, that would be connected by fiber tie-lines that are already in place. The goal is to have access to any routable source at both locations.

Closest we’ve seen so far is Ross Ultrix, though there are a couple things we’re not fully satisfied with.

Anyone else have any favorites or thoughts on a design like this?

None, didn’t even do the RAW files, yet. Straight jpegs into Premiere.

5D3 300mm ISO 200 F/8 1 sec exposure 1 min interval 720p timeline

Stare at his nose for 60 seconds and then look away. Wholesome lasting impression...

I thought Polk was a president? Huh. Bear all along.

I’m beginning to think that’s what they call “mid-life”. The daily grind, accompanied by brief points of happiness (or, at least, relief from the mundane).

We’ve got an 8-month-old, but depression has always ruled my wife’s world. It’s tough. Damn near impossible to understand, at times. But my love for her is really what pulls us through.

I know it’s not much, but look to the kids. There’s always light in their eyes, and that’s the best you can do, sometimes.