why wouldn't we though? Why would we start using different vocabulary, wouldn't that be confusing?

I see, thanks. Then I don't understand what OP's issue or point is

So "biologics" is a real word after all (ESL here)? Then it's not really weird Grush is using it

wants a trad wife, but doesn't want to be a trad husband lol

🇩🇪 N | 🇵🇱 B1

what the colors mean, as in: what do they symbolize

🇩🇪 N | 🇵🇱 B1

French is just a Spanish knock-off (I'm joking)

It will get better with Polish, as you learn more patterns and roots, I promise!

🇩🇪 N | 🇵🇱 B1

I wouldn't say I "have learned" that language, since I'm very much still in the middle of learning it, but Polish is beautiful.

Sure English is very useful when travelling, I needed it for academia, I still need it professionally, it lets you access a vast amount of media from all over the world etc

But nothing is more satisfying to me than making progress learning Polish, learning new words, slowly being able to read more advanced stuff, listening to it, and speaking it with people

that's just 500-600 calories, depending on how much oil you use to fry them

you need to eat a lot more calories than that my friend, even if that comes from more eggs and onions

the "best dad" thing comes from OP, not the dad

I think we're fine with the dad, but how a lot of people react to it is kinda ridiculous

🇩🇪 N | 🇵🇱 B1

honestly I would have found myself pretty lost on that website as a total beginner 🫣 so it's definitely not a you-problem imo

Unfortunately I don't have any other recommendations for free websites.

I learned most of my beginner Polish using the Krok po kroku (Polish "step by step") textbook, which is fully available as interactive websites/web app: www.e-polish.eu.

The whole course consists of two books which are designed to prepare you for the official B1 exam, starting from literally zero. I took the exam and can confirm that it actually does that.

I think I spent around 30€ for each of the two books, but it was definitely worth it, especially if you're a serious learner!

Edit: the Krok po kroku series also comes with excellent graded readers. The textbooks are entirely in Polish but designed in a way that anyone can understand what they're trying to explain.

You can also always look up specific grammar concepts in further detail online, but I guess it will be very hard to find something comprehensive and effective for free in one place

Also I recommend getting a good grammar book

🇩🇪 N | 🇵🇱 B1

what is the website? It would help to know what you're dealing with exactly

Resources in only the target language itself are generally a good thing. Some of the best textbooks are monolingual. I've only ever talked to my online teachers in Polish. Maybe this website isn't as beginner as you think? On the other hand, you have the internet at your disposal - you can just translate anything you don't understand

🇩🇪 N | 🇵🇱 B1

It's a good idea if you're prone to extremes like Lamont 😅

But honestly it's not the worst of ideas at all. I'm essentially doing this with an audiobook when doing chores, because I'm just not into movies that much

Also please note, he's doing a lot more/sth different than just simply plopping down and watching the same movie 50 times (video title is a bit clickbaity)

Honestly his language learning advice is really good, especially "recently" i.e. last 1-2 years

as much as I love science and technology, hunter-gatherer lifestyle would probably suit me best tbh

so 20.000 BC?

there are definitely other options than simply gunning it down wtf

native in 🥔, sucky at 🥟

masterclass in sucking ass

I have a huge table, so I dump everything on there and turn the pieces, then start puzzling - I hate sorting up front

native in 🥔, sucky at 🥟

autistic here, so yeah, literally 😂 The only skills that count here though are D4 Uzbek and disavowing Fr🤮ch. They function as in-group as well as tone indicators, ultimate semantic structure

native in 🥔, sucky at 🥟

No! It was specifically devised by the deities to punish humanity!