I don't why the draft shows differently, but lookin at the page I do not see any "meta property" tags for images. Are you using any SEO plugin to manage your Opengraph metadata(this is what platforms use to pull previews from)? Plug your URL through an Opengraph tool ie; https://www.opengraph.xyz/

Every day except this week. I sprained my elbow practicing in paradiddle rofl. Besides that app, lately I play Beat Saber, Asgards Wrath 2 and Recroom(paintpall exclusively it seems lol). I've been using VR since the devkit1 rift and at this point I think I'm a stand-alone headset enjoyer for life. works fine with Link anyway!

This is obviously the host's fault


Lost my dad to similar circumstances in 2022(heart disease due to " acute ethanolism" . And while I don't struggle with achohol myself, I also know one when I see one and you're right.

Stay strong friend

You'll want to look at the network tab in your console's inspect tool. Is the TTFB on the initial request higher, or is there another file request hanging?

I know you're not American but posting this for others - you can send coins to burn address so that you're able to write them off on your taxes - this is what I have done.

sir pls may i have some alpha

Do you use any boolean operators when you're doing searches?

Just give California some time to cook......

To be frank when I started in the industry and first got hands-on with WordPress I had the same confusion regarding wp.com/wp.org - I wouldn't even call it confusion, more like I didn't even realize there was two entities to begin with until I found myself in a similar predicament to yours and looking for answers.

Because this subreddit isn't for WordPress.com

I assume the Agency "owns" the WP Engine account. Any owner on the account can add additional users and even limit their access to specific environments in the WP Engine account. This is how I addressed this when working with sites on their platform

It could be a server issue, or it could be processes on your site running long which the site being new, I wouldn't expect unless you went really wild on the plugins.

You should check the error logs per bluehost's documentation and then also reach out to BlueHost as well to ensure it's not a server issue. This is something that they will be able to easily help you with since they have can easily see the server health and such.


Okay so it's not a wordpress created table basically. This is;

938042_bd1b08c2db65d2d274dd8276aad99760 - databasename
usuarios - table name

You can see this table in the noted database?

$wpdb->insert needs the full table name including the prefix from your wp-config

No one is going to be able to answer you directly. Do you have SSH access? You will need to go in there and find the directories with the largest amount of files and go down from there and then identify what is the source of whatever you find.

Possible causes;

-Aggressive plugin caching
-Aggressive theme caching
-Malicious uploading of media content-You're not storing mail are you?
-Backup plugins that don't compress/offload backups

DAMN! I've found some cool stuff at the goodwill bins but never any still packaged pokemon cards haha. I also live in the area where that roman bust was found, and I've been to the damn goodwill where she picked it!