I'm reading artifact space right now and can't put it down

Our two corgis meals take 5 min each to make and they eat ridiculously good, the vet is stoked how well they eat and how healthy they are. It'll also save us vet bills in the future so I don't think it's too sinful lmao we eat really good food, but the dogs and cats definitely get the best nutrition in the house

A guy in my town went missing scuba diving and it took 2+ weeks to find his body even though it was a small area. We wound up finding him after a storm rolled through, and looking back I definitely saw his body the day before when tbe storm started I just thought it was a log (I worked on a boat and had to drive over the area he was missing 2-3 times a day, it was very eerie at 6am wondering if today's the day)

:Betts-M: Mookie Betts

Definitely recommend it. The grass is springy it's so cool

My bronco still has a few physical buttons which is really nice. It has a 12 inch screen but only thing I need to open is a map which is dope.

My girlfriend is looking at a mach e and it's all digital which will take a while to get used to. At least on that screen, the entire bottom section is reserved only for controls so there's no navigating pages like in some vehicles

Yeah I misread what they said. Thought I owed my girlfriend an apology there for a minute haha

Definitely look in the cards for that spelling it's pretty distinct

Luckily cats don't care at all but the other day we learned our one puppy is terrified of thunder and i just remembered were out of calming treats, so it should be a good night..


Wait are you serious? We were just at a wedding and my girlfriend was panicking if she should put money or a gift card in the card ontop of the $100 present we got them and I thought she was insane. Why would you give a gift card WITH the present? Genuine question I'm not being an ass lol

Edit: thought I owed my girlfriend an apology from being wrong, turns out I just cannot read properly

I can smell this picture

That's why I'm happy my girlfriend is also my barber, she's brutally honest lmao

We just test drove one the other day, do you have the select or premium? I've got a bronco so my girlfriend wants the mach e and it was such a nice vehicle to drive but a bit freaked out of it still

FLA - NHL :60306:

I think some vancouver fans just have ptsd from the last guy

:Knighter: Knight

Oilers fans are some of the most annoying in the league

:Knighter: Knight

As half the panthers are Canadians lmao what a dumb take

FLA - NHL :60306:

I dunno man, sure that happened but the Bruins are a team I've always been jealous of. You guys have such great players who are also great people and seem to be a force every year.

Sure there's some bad decisions made and losing, but wasn't Cassidy not liked as a coach In Boston at the end? That Vegas team was so good I don't think it mattered who was coaching them.

Boston fans in general I've been jealous of being a South Florida fan haha

FLA - NHL :60306:

I seriously don't understand this. So yall will cheer for a bitter rival to win because they are canadian?

Most of the league is canadian so the cup will be staying in canada regardless. Also didn't all of canada cheer for the bruins in 2011? Is vancouver nor canadian enough or something. I am very confused.