A future where computers are doing the things we actually enjoy (painting, acting, writing, etc) and we're doing the shit jobs is not the one I imagined.

They're probably still living it up somewhere. Good things happen to bad people. It's how the world works.

Yeah I was glad when Varl told her off about that.

:charles_smith: Charles Smith

I can see why it's not the best on a second playthrough. It is slow but when you're playing for the first time, it has LOTS of story crucial details to explain as well as setting the tone for the rest of the game.

:Freestar_Collective: Freestar Collective

Oooh yeah I forgot about that

I've heard it's still no good. Better but very much not recommended.

Not tired of them but I don't find them fun anymore.  I played Dark Souls back in 2012 so I've been with it a lot longer than the vast majority of players who only started after Elden Ring came out.  So, they've run their course, and I no longer care to play them. There's also the problem I have with naming an entire genre after a single game.  Because now it becomes a debate of "what is a Souls-like?"  And how different from Dark Souls does it need to be until it's not a Souls-like?  The thing with Dark Souls is the mechanics attributed to it are so common in gaming that you could technically put the label on a lot of games. 

  • Punishing enemies/bosses
  • Respawning enemies
  • Save points
  • Losing something on death
  • I-frames
    • Dodge-rolling
  • Environmental storytelling
  • Dark medieval fantasy
  • Parrying
  • Stamina bar

Now think of all the games you've played in the last five years.  I'm pretty certain most of them have several things from this list.  Does that make any of them a Souls-like?

:tux: Linux

Waiting to play good games on a better platform? Yes, I can do that with ease.

:Freestar_Collective: Freestar Collective

The helmet is honestly the only part of that suit I like. I didn't at first, but it grew on me.

:flag-mn: Minnesota

It is, but how many former presidents have been tried in your lifetime for crimes they've committed?

I think it changes very little. He can still run for president.

I'd also like to know how many other living presidents will be tried for the crimes they've committed. In particular, all the wars they've been a part of without the approval of Congress.

:charles_smith: Charles Smith

I get it. My rule is only shoot people who fire at me first.

I was way too excited a few years ago when I bought new storage bins.

100% agree. I know I need sleep and I get plenty of it. That said, I hate it because that's a lot of wasted time. I would also definitely take up the opportunity of never having to sleep again.

Mornings. It sucked as a kid because it meant school and getting woken up. Now I absolutely LOVE mornings. Any time of year but especially in the summer. It's cooler, quiet (for now), and going for a walk/run is a great way to kick start the day.

As someone who played Dark Souls back when it first came out. It's been a very interesting few years to see them suddenly blow up.

The music is impeccable. Austin Wintory remains one of my favorite composers in gaming.

:charles_smith: Charles Smith

Honestly I liked the sl@ve owner missions too, essentially just because you know everyone who plays the game won't spare him and will kill him right there at his campsite. Would it be better to let him live with the horrors he perpetrated? Naw, definitely not lol.

I thought just the opposite. Let him live with nothing and suffer through the self-pity and depression. If he wants to die, he can do it himself.

Not really. Depends what clothing options they give you.

Yep. I recently replayed Witcher 3 for the first time since 2016 and that was the first mod I added. It made playing significantly more fun.

As the great Gabe Newell said (paraphrasing a little), "Someone will say 'that's not realistic' and you're like - OK? Explain to me why that's interesting. Realism is not fun and I play games to have fun."

EDIT: Found the video. https://youtu.be/MGpFEv1-mAo?si=6VoQSwOa3-EFy8EU

The new gameplay options are fantastic. I made a few things more difficult since I never struggled with them in the first place and now I get more XP out of it. :P

I hate the weight limit too. I add a mod whenever possible to bypass that. I understand it's not "realistic" but realism is not always fun and I play games to have fun.

What is it with people crediting Souls with the creation of design features that already existed for years?