43 applications alone is no joke. I hit 50 just on indeed and that was a lot of effort. That's also not just applying to things but jobs I'm pretty qualified for.

Yes! Every time you hear of a coup or some kind of over throw of a government, That was a CIA job.

I also have a history of back issues from a past Job. I just want to be ok.

I know its just been hard for me. I have been sleeping a lot and not really doing stretches. My last blood work was a few weeks ago and it says Im fine, my ct scan will be in about 2 weeks

I was stage 3 last year, Ive been off chemo since mid dec, CT scan after chemo showed no enlargement of lymph nodes but now Im getting lower back pain, Im just worried I will need RPLND and or I still have cancer.

Was your blood work number still elevated after chemo?

Hey man, Just wanted to reach out and see at what point did you have your RPLND after chemo? Was it right away?

The singer of my old band said when he was on probation and was getting weekly random drug tests that he would just shroom every weekend because it didn't show up on any test.

He was preparing for one of the biggest tours in history. Probably was going to make a few billion off of it.

Wish he just got treatment early on. Wonder what more Bob Marley music would of sounded like.

Exactly, Every move you make, you are just putting yourself in a different pool of people. The trick is to be in a super small pool of people.

I remember taking my wife out to a Indian dinner here in southern CA, The guy seated me first, gave me a menu first and asked me questions first. They also brought out my food first. We both noticed it.

I just got over cancer and chemo last year so I'm all about worry about all of these things. We definitely make and use more plastic than ever and I wouldn't be surprised if we went back to old ways of using more glass or even banning certain plastics in the future.

I was just speaking to a older gentleman who owned 3 recording studios here in LA that he shut down due to covid and I mentioned how the producer I worked for was always on the phone trying to collect his money from artists he worked with and he basically said it's always been like that, even since the 50's and before that.

So is he legit a young man? I've watched his IG videos and he definitely does not act like a kid. His mannerism and even his responses just confuse the hell out of me. His voice does sound like a child though.

$10 actually does not sound that bad. We are due for a big one anytime soon and I was there for the '94 earthquake and it helped my family out by having earthquake insurance.

You find someone that helps to bring out the best in you. Not someone who will fix you or change you.

I can attest to this. My buddy and I wore all black and managed to get in the very front and past the security. You have to look serious and something is on your mind and it works.

Same with office work. If your nice and polite to me over email, I will try to get what you need asap. Bark at me or not even say Hi and expect me to give you an answer will make your email the last priority for the day.

Ever since vaping and edibles has been more prominent, I find this to be a little more helpful than just cold turkey which I have done many times: I switched from flower to vape, vape then to edibles and I found the withdrawal symptoms not as bad.