2024: Bobby Lee loses the Shitting Your Pants on Hot Ones title belt to the President of the United States

That's something a sane person would have done. We're talking about Rudy Giuliani.

"They're gay, it's their fault, and I don't have to give you my ID."

"He's got us Johnson. Everyone knows Canadian police can't arrest anyone unless we're physically holding their ID."

They seem to think that once Trump is gone, US politics will return to the way it was pre-2016. As if that ship hasn't sailed, sunk and become a coral reef already.

What's the point of my Fashionscape if it doesn't demonstrate the sheer amount of XP I'm willing to waste to look fabulous?

Translation: "I am lighting a gigantic pile of your money on fire in exchange for political capital. That would ordinarily be an idiotic, scumbag move, but actually it's fine, because God."

What a loser. I always punch myself in the head repeatedly until I'm concussed before playing any FromSoft game. Anything less is playing on easy mode.

"So... about the aliens."

"Sorry sir. For your own safety we cannot tell you."

"Aight I'mma head out."

"You could say it started when I was a kid. Like most folks, I've always been different, but not like the others."

It's "funny" to him that she has boundaries. Yikes.

A lot of people seem to think the second amendment states "I have the right to shoot whoever I want if I get freaked out".