You can consider demand for products to be collective action.

Seems like a communication issue all around. Realistically, this should have been discussed 7 Months ahead of the events and it seems very likely that most items that required deposit could be shifted to a different date without losing anything, if done that far in advance. It sounds like you didn't even attempt to move anything. How much additional planning did you do after you knew this conflict existed? ESH.

I disagree, I find your comment infinitely more annoying and if you really have a problem with this then follow your own advice instead of looking like a total hypocrite.

It’s no problem over the past 5 years this has become extremely common, and I’m trying to put an end to it!

The comments they made were somewhat natural and honest reactions. It doesn’t seem like they were looking to put you down, just more trying to fathom how you survive in an expensive world as a delivery driver. I’m wondering the same thing. It’s totally fine if it works for you but the fact that they wonder these things out loud to you instead of trying to politely bite their tongues to avoid hurting your feelings, shows they may actually be your bros and not just superficial.

There’s a stigma to your age/occupation combo and if you’re truly secure with it this wouldn’t have been an issue. You don’t need to get a different job to appease others but maybe they’re trying to get you to see something you aren’t.

Just ask yourself: Are you secure with your career path? Do you make as much money as you’d like? Is your future and retirement where you’d like it to be with this as the chosen path?

It very well could be. Just note some career paths are not about how much you make when you’re 20 or 25 but what experience you set yourself up with so you can make a lot more when you’re 35+.

You potetnially have to buy it back or buy/sell shares. You’re selling an obligation, and that is a very real thing.

Your utility bills can be printed and should have your name and address. Not sure if this will suffice but it seems like it should.

There was huge uproar against this project so every "what about" has been combed over many times and addressed, although its clear something is going to happen so that the residents can all say I told you so. But to answer your question, I think they are covering the tops of the tubs.

Proceed with caution. According to some, Hershey's "chocolate" could be comprised of up to 75% sawdust and lumber is way down.

I thought this was a joke.

Friction. Move and rub and kick and squirm ferociously after getting in under the covers for like 200 seconds straight.

Aggressively target the colder areas don’t avoid them.

Crutches are a useful tool for getting around when you’re recovering.


I appreciate your nuanced example very much. I once got hounded by people when outlining certain income based credits and other benefit cliff impacts that could result in less take home when making slightly more money. They are so obsessed with refuting the misconception that higher tax brackets apply to all income that they don't realize there are many nuanced scenarios where you still could end up with less.

People might not like to hear this, but you should focus on apologizing and show massive humility due to your obvious dependency. Express gratitude for the things they provide.

At 17, they can't really do this but you're likely way better off sucking up your values and trying to repair your relationship rather than escalating via the "this isn't legal, I'm going to the authorities" route.

Your views and values are important, but we live in an unfair world where those that have things control the fate of those that don't. There is a world where you can retain your values but be much more strategic and selective about when and how you express them, especially when you are so dependent on others to survive.

White and Rafalski were rookies in 2000 along with Gomez and Madden.

Wondering if that’s from both things or just the sleep. Sleep is really important.

The Safeway they reference in this article has a very magical secret.