Italian wedding weekend outfits Recs for 5’8 male with a muscular build? Advice

Getting married in Itally this summer and looking for some outfits for the events leading up toward the wedding. Cocktail party, Bach party and rehearsal dinner. I already have green linen pants , berks and a knitish white button up shirt. Need some other outfits. Thanks you! Or even some brands to look into would be nice.

That’s because project 2025 or whatever is a 922 page conservative handbook. Of course there’s going to be overlapping material. 50% of things in project 2025 are probably fine and the other half are radical ideas that trump never once has agreed to. It’s very false and misleading to claim this kinda stuff. It’s flat out propaganda and fear mongering.

Yeah no shit he does ? Doesn’t mean he supports project 2025. Project 2025 is a dossier written by a conservative think tank, of course there’s going to be similarities but not once has Trump said he going to implement all rhetoric radical things in there. This is just fear mongering.

Trump does not support nor will he implement project 2025 this is fake news.


I looked it up a couple weeks ago and found a quote that was something like “ I don’t follow anyone else’s policy’s but my own” but now since the media has been running so much stuff I can’t find it.

Samo is 5”11 so he’s prob 5’9 5’10 irl

There seems to be a lot of decent goalies to go around and paying a backup who’s not even playing 4.5 mil when we are in win now cup mode is silly


“The case exposed errors in Fulton’s 2020 recount but didn’t indicate any fraud in the election, which Democrat Joe Biden won by a 11,779-vote margin in Georgia over Republican Donald Trump. Three vote counts — two by machine and one by hand — each showed similar results.”

I have no doubt we would but I doubt he would sign that. I’m betting 2-3 at 4.2


Trump had infinite resources and power of the office and all the agency’s and he couldn’t prove one instance of voter fraud in court. We should stop pushing this lie. We need to ballot harvest like the dems did.


They don’t have many options. Harris is not going to beat Trump and it’d be so hard to introduce a new candidate and build trust and turnout this late into the cycle. If anything I think Biden should get a new VP and plan to step down after the election.

He’s much better than Joffrey. Joffrey was a little asshole we all hated, while Aegon is mental at times we don’t hate him as an audience rather than feel bad for him and his flaws.

We’re still absolutely stacked. We picked up senko and okposo at the deadline. If we picked up those guys again we’re really 2 good Dmen away from our same team and I assume we will sign 1 dman before free agency ends today.

It’s kinda hard for me to get into this show based on how they left us with game of thrones and also the fact that I believe Allison and rehnariea characters to be unbelievably when they act so kind and merciful yet they’re going to kill millions of people just so their kid can “rule”. Hard to get into it when the entire premise of the story is so unbelievable. In game of thrones I was able to get immersed in the world and buy into all the characters but it just seems silly and laughable for instance the scene of Balhea riding the dragon and doing this whole performative dive or seeing Aymond trying to act so edgy idk. 🤷

It’s crazy to me Trump was president for 4 years and there were no wars, world peace , booming economy , low taxes , wage growth for all classes, low inflation , energy independence. Biden is the exact opposite yet everyone is fear mongering all this bullshit. Dude was already president and everyone’s lives were better off and you all act like he’s going to destroy democracy lol.

You don’t spend 10% of your free agent money on a third string goalie. Knight will be gone tmrw unfortunately. We are in win now mode and don’t have the money for 5mil player to not play.

I know we have a tainted view but from the outside looking in Montour was a power play player and top 3 defensemen on the best defense + cup winning team. His conditioning is also incredible and he’s such a great skater. He also should be back closer to his normal self and missed a lot of games this year.

Holly shit. That’s huge for him. Congrats Monty. Going to miss your sexy ass

Yeah, I’m excited to see the number. Prob 8.5-9