:NHLdet: Detroit Red Wings

Look at Carter's Twitter account. It's all Retweets of anti-Clark stuff. It's ridiculous.

:NHLdet: Detroit Red Wings

It's more or less the accumulated nonsense that Clark's dealing with this season than just this most recent garbage with Carter.

WWE level drama over the new girl.

:NHLdet: Detroit Red Wings

I looked at her Twitter account, and even before this week's incident, it's all stuff bashing Clark. It's absolutely pathetic.

:NHLdet: Detroit Red Wings

I don't want Clark to suffer a season ending injury just to screw a league of racists out of a paycheck.

If you're in a loveless situation with zero emotional support from your wife, why keep putting yourself through that? You deserve to be supported. You deserve an emotional connection to those you care about.

This is great advice. If you can, take a walk around the block, or pop up and take a shower. Just something to bridge the gap between Work and Dad, and offer some separation.

If you want an awesome outdoor experience, the Rifle River is awesome in a big group. I've been tubing a couple of times and had a good time each time.

I was online when they broadcast the global message that someone was force sensitive. People were going NUTS.

As long as the companies have to publicly post their H1B salaries to compare what they're offering Americans

Aye. Feel like I would have lost the moral high ground.

Welcome Home

It's a pretty standard and well known acronym when it comes to graphics in gaming.

DET - NHL :60305:

That was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. Avs getting blown out, Roy's looking sad on the bench after being chased, and Crawford's just going apeshit trying to get to Bowman, who's just standing there calm as ever.

12 year old me knew the Avs were cooked.

:Lions: Secretly Simps for Puss Puss

The Packers cut him in '87 for getting into a bar fight in Green Bay.

and the expansion fee for Moreno would be what he was paid to sell the team

Makes sense, he sold the team to the NHL, who then flipped them to Ryan Smith for more money, right?

From what I understand, Moreno still owns all copyrights and trademarks to the Coyotes, and if he gets his shit together with a new arena and regional TV deal, the NHL will consider expanding again, and he'll have first right of refusal to pay the expansion fees, and the team will come back as an expansion team, but with the "history" of the original franchise. Also, they're treating Utah as a "new" franchise for record keeping purposes, separate from Original Winnipeg/Arizona.

Although if I'm the new Jets, I'd be demanding all of the OG Jets franchise history and logos back.

Isn't that what the NHL is doing with the Coyotes?

I lived next to what a lot of people would consider "bad" neighbors.

Old grumpy guy that would:

  1. blow his leaves into my driveway
  2. park in the street when it snowed making sure my driveway didn't get plowed in front of
  3. Would back into my driveway packing the snow down to let his wife out, since my driveway was closer to their side door
  4. Laid a path from my driveway to their front door so delivery people would constantly be using my driveway to drop things off thinking it was their driveway
  5. Park in the street on street cleaning days so the street cleaner wouldn't be able to clean in front of my driveway
  6. Put his garbage cans right on the edge of my driveway so getting out of the driveway was a lot more difficult in the morning
  7. Mowed his lawn at 7:00 AM every Saturday (noise ordinance was from 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM).

So while I didn't retaliate, eventually when I ran my snowblower I stopped right at their property line, while doing my other neighbor's sidewalk for them.

Yeah, I would have at least done it to hold along the long side of the rail to spread the weight out a little bit and allow for less flexing in the middle, but I feel like a hanging shelf with lag bolts into the studs instead of the rails would be a better option here, albeit more expensive.

We did one of those new "pull string" pinatas at my son's 5th birthday, and there was one asshole kid that was ripping candy out of kid's hands and tearing bags so collected candy was falling back onto the floor.

Lots of tears, and the Mom took him home after.

My wife had a bunch of "special" candy left in reserve and handed it out to the kids that got hosed.

"If you walk around in a short skirt, you deserve for bad things to happen to you".

See how stupid that sounds?

What's harder on a road? 9 trucks loaded with 10 tons, or 10 trucks loaded at 9 tons?