Melanie should divorce him before she goes down with the ship.

I've been struggling off and on with gut issues. I went to a gi doctor, and he ran a whole bunch of tests. Everything came back normal. I helped myself more than dr. I'm watching out for FODMAPS and taking probiotics (refrigerated kind) helped me. Things my body doesn't like: too many apples, cucumbers, onions, peppers, paprika, coffee, and oats. I quite coffee (w caffeine) and noticed a huge improvement in my gut too. school & at home. Sometimes shit be so funny, I can't stop laughing. When a teacher gets pissed that you won't stop laughing, it gets even funnier.

They don't care about anyone other than themselves. They are chasing money.


Yes, I've heard of big companies outsourcing to low wage countries recently. Some are moving from one foreign country to a cheaper one.

Fighting or love making? 🎶Bow chicka bow bow 🎶

Wide wrap around porches provided shade and no direct sunlight into windows.

The unwritten rule is whoever is closer to the end backs out.

New Sufferer

I'm looking too. I occasionally take Astrapro nasal spray when congested.

We are in a spring storm pattern. The storms yesterday were predicted to build just west of ft worth. Airports in our area are very cautious of storms that are predicted to have high winds as micrbursts can occur. I sure as hell don't want airlines taking chances with me or my families lives! Here is one of the worst DFW accidents and others around the US.

I wonder if other districts have mentors for first year teachers. I didn't have one.

Uberlube is better than Astroglide.

Yeah, we had a bad night in a shitty 8. Never in my life have I had so little sleep. Between "is my head itchy. Am I going to get bed bugs?" To dudes speaking Spanish loudly and drinking beer outside our window at 2am to constant 18 wheelers zooming by. The bathroom has a concrete floor. WTF! Never again!!!

If you don't vote, we will have to send you to retrumpucation (like reNeducation).

I'm 55 and post meno. I still get hot flashes and night sweats.