Of course Cinders “bug” and Atlas’ pods can transfer aura which is linked to the soul so… technically if you do both the eye and some aura… maybe?

Bet Pedernales Falls was roaring too, eh?


Treaty of Tripoli endorsed by President John Adams and unanimously approved by the US Senate in 1871:

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

This text was read aloud on the floor of the Senate and no one objected.

“Willow, whazzat behind your foot. No the other foot. Stop switching feet!”


“Pour me a glass too, then.”


RAREPAIR: Rhodes x Willow Schnee

In canon, our brave but unwise Huntsman Rhodes gets whacked before this could even remotely happen, but in my fic he survives and saves a certain alcoholic heiress from being kidnapped and things progress from there. Far as I know I have the only story anywhere with this pairing.

Found their national website


And the regional one:


Reading through it, it seems benign enough but it’s hard to tell what they ACTUALLY do to serve their stated goals.


My soon to be Eagle Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent

Most of the time. He is a teenager after all.

And that’s the point, the whole point, and nothing but the point.

And I doubt he’d be upset or outraged by that image. Might roll his eyes a little about the spectacle of it, but overall he has the attitude of “let people be what they gonna be”.

So honestly, if that picture bugs you, that has very little to do with Scouting, it’s just people. Leave em alone and let em be what they gonna be. Raise your kids, teach them the oath and the law, and it’ll all work out from there without a bunch of drama.

*Hands OP a shovel*

"You gonna have to dig a while to get out of that hole..."

Get off my lawn!

If I might recommend the VoiceDream app, you can download fics as PDFs (or whatever) and it will read them off to you in the voice of your choice. It’s like $80 per year and lets you correct pronunciation.

If they're taking pills and cash, it sounds suspiciously like someone with a substance abuse problem, and that kind of person will, in fact, blame everyone else but themselves.

Get off my lawn!

Vladimir Taltos / Dragaera series by Steven Brust. Rich world with lots of room for further worldbuilding and near concepts.


Ah then I misunderstood OP’s use of that distance as a metric for throwing a light-infused coin. They aren’t trying to damage something, so ‘improvised throw’ ranges might not apply exactly as written.

For example if you’re trying to throw a light-infused coin down a 10’ wide corridor into a room 90’ away, I wouldn’t expect that to be disadvantaged.

Wait… RAW long range for an improvised throw is only 60’? A puny common human can throw a rock farther than that with reasonable accuracy.

Never heard of it.

Lake Laogai is a magical place.