Show me a poll that’s been correct in the last 8 years. Trump wasn’t supposed to win in 2016 and Biden wasn’t supposed to win in 2020. Think about who is voluntarily responding to these. It’s not Gen Z or Millennials.

You’re speaking with a lot of hyperbole, but only towards one side. Our options are a convicted felon, rapist, and insurrectionist, or a career politician who is older than we’d all like. If Biden drops out of the race at this point, we’re giving the election to Trump and the keys for his oligarchy to rule.

You’re delusional. It’s going to be Biden. Harris would have a better chance than Newsom, they’re viewed very similarly. And Whitmer doesn’t have the national name recognition. Whitmer will be an excellent option come 2028.

If everyone who cares about democracy shows up and votes blue, then it’s fine. Besides, how would a replacement even be chosen at this point? And what would give them a better shot at winning than Biden?

Biden dropping out 4 months before the election with no candidate in place to replace him is the easiest way to hand Trump the keys now.

It’s too late if Dems want any chance of winning.

We are 4 months out from the election and there are no other candidates in the primaries. Biden is the only option at this point for November. And there is no other scheduled debate at this time.

It’s already too late for him to drop out and there will not be another debate.


I believe they changed that policy a year or two ago.

SAHD of 2 Girls

My advice would be, do what feels right. If you have a moment to relax and want to enjoy 1 beer, why shouldn’t you? You can still drive and be alert, as long as you’re not chugging a 15%er. On the other hand, if it’s going to make your wife feel uncomfortable right now, best to wait.

Having two is what really chilled out my alcohol consumption. A 3 year old and a 1 year old is a lot. I need all my brain power to be able to take care of them. Pretty much only socially drink now and I only keep NA beer in the fridge. I’ve also found that at 36, even a few beers really wrecks my quality of sleep, and it’s just not worth feeling like crap the next day to catch a little buzz. I’d rather be sober and enjoy my time with my wife and kids.

4 nickels don’t equal a dollar.

It’s too late now. Biden backing out this late in the game is unprecedented and would guarantee a Trump win, no matter who they picked. And I, for one, will vote for Biden’s corpse before I voted for Trump.

My last ditch effort is to throw a scoop of oxyclean in a bucket, cover with water, and let things soak overnight. Also second dawn power wash.

Yeah, I’d probably make that trade.

Won’t say what they stand for, won’t say who they’re voting for, talks shit about Biden and his ‘cognitive decline’, definitely a boot licker.

You sound like a sane, rational person. Forget this MAGA troll who is obviously trying to get a rise out of someone with a brain.

5th Congressional District (Northwest NC, Winston-Salem)

No, I know we haven’t. I’m asking what your point was.

5th Congressional District (Northwest NC, Winston-Salem)

We haven’t had a Dem Senator since 2015…?