It feels weird that this season started with Space Babies. I am ashamed to admit I was afraid they were going in a direction, but since then, it has felt like non-stop bangers.

And I also didn't see the twist coming, I thought that she was just really stupid but it was all there. She even called them criminals for being in the same room. Like damn.

Bro imagine a yearly playstation like the yearly iPhone, oof.

And can trap them in hitstun for like 1.25 secs if you have pumped up. It's still difficult to land as they have to be basically onto of you

Them jumping out of the plane at the beginning was ridiculous but I loved it as a kid. And the line "you can run but you can't hide" is stuck in my head.

I had this movie on VhS and the first few episodes of lightspeed rescue would watch them on repeat.

Define random, because unfortunately, you're a random to me

Thank you, played an hour and now I'm cooking her breakfast, it's a good day.

Idk why this shit weird. This could cause controversy I feel bad, but I'm playing.

Edit apparently they announced it would be like this, good. Strange that I was lucky.

I'm on ps5 maybe that's why? Or maybe they are releasing one region at a time? But I feel they would have said something about that. I'd try restarting your console.

My update didn't download until like 5 mins ago

The game releases in one hour on console, in 7 hours on pc

I feel like the direct 1 to 1 stage setup is a bit dangerous. I don't think Nintendo would do anything, but I feel being so 1 for 1, even down to the coloring, and the wooden stage might hinder you because people will always be comparing it to paper mario, especially with TTYD's recent release.

Which you both want and don't want.

That being said, an easy solution I can see is changing it from a theater stage to a sound stage and taking a little bit of inspiration from TV or movies. It's just something to differentiate your game without being that big of a change.

Regardless, it looks interesting, and I'd be curious to see what else the game has to offer.

Hmm it could have been nick, it was one of those made for TV kids movies

Edit: Yes 100% nick, this movie was directed by Jonathan frakes. That's crazy!

It's on mgm+ and paramount + it looks like

Yeah I was thinking this sounds like clockstoppers a Disney movie, there is a scene in a big like dome thing where the dad stuck in hypertime writes on the glass dome wall, another scene where the main character and the love interest helps thier friend dance.

It's my mother's 50th birthday. I'm busy. ๐Ÿ™ƒ. But seriously I'll probably get to play a bit in the morning when she's sleeping and then I'll be hanging out with her for the whole day

Sogeking got a promotion, he's Sogekami now, he travel was traveling with shanks last I heard.

I will say after rewatching a bunch of x-men shows having mystic run around naked is wild, like she looks so good in that white thing.

Yes, it's the best episode since I can remember. I legitimately left the episode with a profound sense that I had gotten something back that i hadn't even realized I lost.

Just pure wonderment Who as I remembered it in my heart.

I don't think I've ever seen someone incorporate a brick separator into a build so effectively

In the commentary they mentioned they didn't get to use his character as much as they wanted in the game, is this a chance to correct that?