This is interesting.

I’m a freelance web developer, moving to the states next year.

I wonder if I’ll need to pay income tax to the state my clients are in, or the state I’m actually working in?

I do plan on finding a Ramsay approved tax experts to keep me right.

Genuine question here. Would he have to pay cali taxes or if he’s a Ohio resident, would he pay Ohio tax instead?

Thanks Landon 👍🏻👍🏻

That’s very kind of you. I might take you up on that 👍🏻👍🏻

Thank you! Don’t know how I missed that on the WooCommerce site.

I’ve used the Wisepad for shopify in the past!

Will check it out. Thanks!

Not really ideal I’m afraid. There will be 4/5 colleagues taking orders through these across the country. I need it to place orders in real-time through the reader.

Card reader for the UK

Hello Woo community :)

I am considering using WooCommerce for an upcoming project.

When looking on their website, it seems the M2 card reader is only available in the US. Are there any readers that can integrate with WooCommerce, for the UK market?

Just cancel the automatic payments coming from your bank. But yes, huge companies do make it awkward to cancel sadly :(

Good shout, but I’m afraid it is publicly queryable

Yes I had.

The query is essentially being called in the page template.

The block however, I’m selecting “preview” at the top and selecting that post.

You sort of do have to pay upfront, and I see where you’re coming from. You need to be on the agency plan, that is the licences for the entire plugin library. Their reseller platform is for agency members.

Post data not showing in builder

I know this has been asked before, but I can't remember what the solution was.

If I create a global block, enter Post Title, Featured Image or any other post data/meta, it doesn't show on the builder, making it incredibly annoying to build out templates / blocks.

I am using ACF to make my post types.

Any ideas how to fix?

I only create the server when the customer buys though.

WPMU charge $1000 per year but it’s actually for their library of plugins that I use. It’s cheaper than buying multiple plugins from different vendors.

The hosting is just an additional feature. I only create a new vps when I need it. And I can cancel a VPS if the client decides to move host.

You don’t have to buy plans in bulk?

Lighting recommendation for interior photographyGear

Hi community.

I am a hobbyist photographer and usually shoot landscapes/outdoors, relying on natural light.

I’ve been asked by a friend to take some shots of a house he’s renovated.

This include shots of the living area and kitchen.

I’ve 0 experience when it comes to lighting, and as this is a “freebie” for a friend we’re not wanting to spend an awful lot of cash on lighting (I was thinking £100-200 IF possible)

What should I be looking out for?

I was thinking a couple of softboxs on tripods, with the ability of changing the brightness and warmth.

I’m unsure how powerful these lights would have to be.

Any product recommendations or types of lighting would be heatedly appreciated ☺️ I’m in the U.K. so MountDog products aren’t on Amazon

If my budget is unreasonable just say.

Perfect soundtrack also.

I loved how they brought in all the previous patients and extras as well.

One of the best season finales I’ve seen.

Keep fighting the good fight.

Whether it’s 50k or 1m, go for it dude!!

Massive congrats 👏 get yourself on Dave’s show 👏🥳🎉

Hey there. I can’t remember the ins and outs now.

One of the issues was creating a new site in the hub getting stuck at 99%.

To give credit where’s it due, their customer service and tech team spent some time identifying the issue and it had something to do with my template Wordpress site, a feature they offer. So I just create sites with a blank Wordpress template and then upload my own Wordpress template.

I decided to stick with them and have built WordPress hosting packages that work for my business.

I did try out vultr, cloudways and the like, but I don’t like the idea of having to maintain each server instance. Especially as my client base grows every month.

For the occasional non-WP site I’ll just use an alternative host.

My initial point was it wasn’t really free. Your hand is forced to use your CC for a tiny bit of cash back. It’s not free

I think the few who would do this, pay it off without interest and not pile up debt are disciplined & smart enough that they can find better ways to make money and invest.

The reason why I say it’s not free is because you have to spend to use it. There is a condition attached.

What’s wrong with keeping $2k in there?

You can have it sitting there and still invest every month beyond that

How is it free money? Spend $1000 and gain $20?

For me it’s not worth the time and hassle of having a credit card for a lousy $20-40 a month