
While doing no damage it destroys fabricators with a direct hit which you'll pretty much get if you place the beam close enough

Enemies caught in the smoke will not be able to acquire a target as well

Also if it hits a helldiver in the back of the head sometimes it one taps them from full health (I've seen it happen twice)

I've gotten 90+ kills on a gas strike before... It's one of the most effective strategems in terms of area denial, the 380/120 wombo combo is pretty good as well but specifically choke points, breaches, even bot drops can be wiped out effectively with it..

On breaches it kills everything except chargers+

A full barrage is a little overkill

Enemies don't detect you with smoke strikes like they do with airstrikes, you can maintain your hidden status and level a heavy base without the enemy ever shooting at you by just spamming smoke strikes at it

The day it was delisted I think a few people realized 'ah, we did that' but I think, like you said, people are just now starting to realize it. Others are going to stay mad at Sony but it really was us.

Was it wrong to take a stand? Probably not. But the time to take a stand against account linking was about 5-10 years ago.. I remember making an Ubisoft account to play Assassin's Creed on my Xbox 360

Yeah, in hindsight it seems like we shot ourselves in the foot by trying to take a stand against it. Shining a light on the fact it was available where it shouldn't have been. It might have been delisted anyway but we made sure it was

This isn't really a direct response to you. Moreso agreeing level really doesn't matter

We got our world rocked last night. 70, 80, 90, 100 level split. 2 of us died more than 10 times, the others over 8.. we spent most of the mission with 1 dude running around trying to do anything while the clocked ticked down.. somehow we actually made it to extract, well one of us did

The only thing that bothers me with caps, I personally would play regardless, therefore I've spent hundreds of hours earning literally nothing (medals, req, samples) the only thing being XP and I couldn't care less about what level I am.

But I spent days of my life farming things for other people essentially.

But if I've put in the time to gather 12x the cap, I should be allowed to keep it. Let me have all the upgrades when they come out as a reward for doing the work. Instead I'm punished by an artificial system just because I'm efficient and choose to continue to play even when I won't get anything.

Many people like to collect things, let me completely break the UI with how many things I can pick up.

The cost of the upgrades being in a way that you physically can't buy more than one is also a virtual slap in the face for all the time I've spent tossing samples in the trash

It doesn't work at all. The bug is definitely fixed and requires no further looking into 👀

Can we give them the heavy devastator gun too while we're at it?

We could give them heavy armor instead so it balances out and they can fire in the air :)

Realistically, you'll get more samples picking them up as you go vs go through the map after you've done everything. In a time/samples scheme.

But you should be allowed to play your lobby how you like. If you've tried to communicate that with the other diver and they don't want to they can find a different lobby because there's tons of players who would love to play in a lobby.

I normally will call extract if I think I can get away with it solo, saves 2 minutes later when it's hotter. But if the team isn't already moving towards there I will announce I will wait/make it hover. Losing all your samples because you got wrecked at extract sucks after spending the whole time collecting them

I used the stalker staff for a very long time early game, as did many others I'd bet. Eventually you'll probably want to switch but if you like it you aren't hurting yourself using it early on.

I wouldn't sacrifice any other stuff for it but you aren't at that stage yet :)

Yeah but it'd be really funny, actually would probably make them easier enemies... Unless they can shoot in the air ragdolling themselves with the momentum which would also be funny

Great post and thank you!

I don't disagree with it working if the player that has it calls it down. It does make sense. I feel it's a lot of extra work coding wise but I'm not a coder anymore so I wouldn't know. It could be easier depending how things are coded as they are

With a global cool down I feel we could also get away with all supplies called in the lobby get the upgrade if one person has it because it will just come randomly from a ship with the upgrade first

(If (anyone in lobby has SPM())) SPM supply pods

Start it at the beginning of the lobby creation and just let it be a modifier for the mission vs checked every time supplies are called (not that that's how it works or even a meaningful process)

But it's so fun calling down a resupply and eating the entire thing because your grenade pistol got a little hungry

Just go Om Nom Nom Nom as you feast

I've never thought about taking the rounds back with me... I used to always take extra resources in STE...

That upgrade is going to be my final upgrade, because of this. One it's final I won't need to do the walk again until new upgrades come out

Send them to the void until the scan is done

Yes, but bouncier. A Super Bouncing Betty

I've landed on my fair share of mechs so that's pretty valid

Just something to show they are actually doing something