Probably still guilty of this today. Don’t be so focused on what’s next to enjoy right now. I’ve spent so much of my life thinking about the future I haven’t enjoyed the journey. Easier said than done but try to enjoy every moment. It goes by so fast.

Uhhh, there’s a reason a lot of people don’t watch main stream media anymore. It’s full of falsehoods and exaggerations. Go travel to middle America. Talk to people. Times are tough, budgets are tight but most people are getting by on far less than what is mentioned above.

We are at the beginning of a correction. Should be an interesting one if those of us left behind stand together. Let’s go.

Some would say the best pet ever… not all… not all… but some… some said the best pet to ever live

Old country Brazos could be in your range. I went with a Workhorse 1975 but it’s a little above that range.

Used to love Jolly Ranchers. It’s probably been a solid 15 years since I’ve had one.

I don’t understand why anyone would pay this much for fast food.

It’s not hot, was disappointed.

I’ve never had the sparkling version but the flat is good. Worth the price? No.

I could probably cut down to one car now. Would be inconvenient 8 days a month but doable.

Facts are facts. The question remains the same. Can’t we demand better?

Exercise. Turn the TV on in the background and work for a few more hours. Feels good to get some things done before starting the next day.

I’ve also eaten in Iowa. Just keep cooking your own food.

I used to think this way then recently spent 8 days in a small midwestern town for work. It was tough. Everything closed early. Restaurants were less than mediocre. Really just felt odd all the way around. I’m happy to be home.

I’ve zoomed in. There’s NO marbling on these steaks. Might be a new category.

Just goes to show you how terrible the politics are in the U.S. A felon will be running against a less than mentally fit 80 year old. What are we doing? No matter where you are politically can we please demand better?

Depends on your preferred texture or preferred texture for those you’re feeding. I tend to cook for the crowd so do both fall off the bone and some with a little more bite.