We were outside Verona somewhere. There for a soccer tournament.

I was in a bar watching the fights in Wisconsin. This dip shit shows up and I cringed waiting for the other people in the bar to start praising him. Then one guy shouts "get that fuck off the TV" and everyone started laughing and making fun of trump. I love you Wisconsin.

I don't understand why people care if someone got fake boobs. Like who fucking cares? I salute them all, whether real or not.

:ohiostate: Ohio State

Yah doesn't this mean a lot of folks are about to get deaded?

Think of it this way. If Russia had the same policy, Navalny could have run from the prison putin put him in. Perhaps Russia would be different right now if that had been the case.

So there's a story behind that. At the time.of the Constitution it was common place to have your opponent arrested and convicted on some BS charge so they couldn't run. Russia does that a lot. So as much as we don't like it, I would not want it to change.

It's on us to not vote in a criminal.

Eldridge just built a bunch of units with garages.

The idea was to prevent having your political opponent arrested and brought up on trumped up charges to prevent them from running.

They didn't envision this level of stupidity to make it this far through voting.

Isn't he a resident of Florida?

It doesn't mean anything to people that were already going to vote for him. It does affect those that were undecided or we're looking for another reason to go against a party they've voted for their whole lives.

Now trump can't vote. Haha

This and the watermelon to the face are my favorites.


We need to send dozens of these to Ukraine before they all commit suicide from not being used.

It wasn't really a shut down. He didn't want to turn it into a spectacle. He wanted the focus on the officers.

Sorry man. Here's a recent article on it. They show up in these ALL the time.

"In addition, the cooked chicken wings holding in a warming unit were measured at 109 to 112 degrees after being prepared at least four hours earlier. The management agreed to discard the wings, with the inspector noting that this was a repeat violation that required long-term corrective action.

The inspector also noted there was no hand cleaner at one handwashing sink (another repeat violation) and that a box of french fries was stored on the floor near the main cookline. The visit was in response to an unverified, non-illness complaint related to pest control"


Dude don't eat there. Someone showed on here all the health inspections they've failed and continue to fail. It's nasty.

Do NOT eat at the filling station. They have failed multiple health inspections and refuse to fix the problems.