Because TA is more like of a gambling and that is why most of us hate that

Yeah, you have a proper space for them as well. Where they can actually.

Sounds like someone may not be performing well while playing.

Nothing is more green that those RCPs and that is the story for the last 2-3 months

Yes pastries is nice but as an ETHtrader member i am too addicted towards the donuts

That's what Canada got a good number of immigrants.

I think it is time for us to take all of that back by not eating and buying that fruit.

They have been taking from us for very long time and we need to stop them somehow.

There is no pill like that you have to take one pill for a day

Is there any cafe that is really making such coke flavored donut??

You really have a kind doctor, but I guess not all doctors will make an effort about their patient insurance.

My cat just hates the birds, they don't like to see them.

He built on his smartness and hard work and no way he just made a move that could danger all of this. He made a coin that could possibly give a tough fight to the bitcoin is well

Seems like we have another story time, go one tell the whole story

These creeps are mostly very easy to identify and they get weeded out very early on too.

As for the others picking Kayn, well, not everyone appreciates the same kind of fun, I suppose. Keep having a blast with your unique choices

Indeed no doubt about and the smile is what just looks just too precious on both of them :)

This age the body that not too strong that in the young age and it's happened that you worried to do anything in your body

While riding home on his horse, Máel Brigte’s famous teeth rubbed against Eysteinsson’s leg, giving him a little scratch.

This small wound became infected and Eysteinsson contracted sepsis. He later died of the infection.

Yes this can happens with me also I laugh at my brother and I falls on the chair that is the memorable of part of my laughter

What they want should not happen because when the owner of a car goes far, his tax will be high.

As I understand this quote, when we neglect and do nothing, the replacement is whole-life time masses of labor time, so we should choose to be hardworking and not allow laziness in our lives .

Is that really a cat? Why is it that big? He looks like a rat. There is a call to Ganon Diba? I just forgot.

It seems that only a little has been changed. Still Starfield. Hmm. Has anything changed in this game? That's What I want to know.

I think that not only Gulliver is happy but also his cats. The cats are also very happy, they miss him so much. You can really see the joy in them.