Lol whatever you want to think slag.

I keep my ac set to 25.5c. It generates around 25-30 gallons of condensate a day. I work outside when it's 38c for most of the day with 60-70% humidity. They die because of the humidity you wanker.

Average humidity in my state is 60-70%. With temps of 38c being normal. I served with the Welsh and yorkshire guys in Afghanistan. I've seen it happen lol. Schools let out in England when humidity is high. It happened in Scotland last year because of humidity. So whenever someone from the British isles are exposed to above AVERAGE HUMIDITY they tank. I live in Oklahoma. We have different climate zones here and Boston is 2735 kilometers from me lol. It takes me 8 hours of continously driving to get to Kansas. You can fit the entire UK in my state and still have alot of room left over.

The idea behind the court being for life was to keep a standard in our laws that wouldn't be swayed by demogoges like Trump. We can all agree that after a few centuries it's finally failed and needs to be changed. Having a supreme court with 6 year terms and elections will only make it worse. When they reach retirement age you should no longer be eligible for any branch that writes policy. Congress president and Supreme Court. Our problem is that we are being led by people who can't adapt to how fast the world has changed since 1940. They literally can't keep up. I'll vote for biden if he's dead over that fat orange incontinent traitor. The day he said we defeated isis they tried to kill me in Afghanistan. Saying that I will say if these are our options than the system is just broken.

The trick is to enjoy it while working. Some of yall are so dramatic.

Ya know if people from both sides hate you it may just be you lol.

"WHY WOULD YOU CHART THAT". lol I heard that a few times. My response has always been I did my job to the letter I'm not getting in trouble/fired for for you.

I'm more upset that i haven't gotten this far and your fucking ruining the show. If he wants more cushion good for him. Not everyone has the same taste and everyone is beautiful in their own way. No spoilers dick I don't care how long it's been out. Yes I'm a man and I love this show

The British problem is humidity. Lol they just start falling over when it's 32c with 40% humidity. It was 38c with 60% humidity in my state today. They just aren't use to it.

Nah the show is just shit. I was watching ashoka again yesterday and I'm 2 episodes behind on acolyte. It's the show not the fans.

It's a bad show. The story contradicts cannon. The writers had no idea what star wars is. One of the actors playing a jedi said anakin blew up the death star and killed millions of people. I'm not sure what fanbase this show was made for but it wasn't star wars. I hate Amazon and Disney.

I fought in Afghanistan. This passes you will see real civil discourse. Jan 6 will look like a peaceful protest.

They won't do well in the heat but once it cools off get ready. Pretty AF.

There is nothing special about medsurg experience. It's just hard to staff. You see the exact same stuff every where else just at a lower volume.

Big pharma turned it into several drugs and are the main lobbies against legalization. Don't hold your breath. More likely it will go back to being illegal in most states. Same thing happening happened in the 90s. It was medicaly legal here and a smattering of other states but 5 years later it was illegal again.

There shells will change depending on what they eat.

I don't understand why they hold on to nurses they don't have the visits for. Are they trying to horde nurses?

You see the same stuff just a much much lower volume. That's the real problem. I worked medsurge for nearly a decade. Way to long. Switched to LTC. More money better hours lower load. Why do you want to go back to acute care that's a badge of honor no one cares about.

I'm not big on religion but that part that says eye for an eye. I like that part. When we are wronged we should seek retribution to equal what was done. The only people who believe in the high road are the ones that hurt you. Be the better person and don't hurt me back. Fuck that. We about to get back in the mud until I'm happy.

Both of them were trash and deserved it.the people that hurt you the most are the ones you hold closest. The line between love and hate is very thin.