It's almost incestual to watch; like watching a brother and sister flirting.

I think I saw a few blocks fall out of his pocket :)

Or a male actor who has left the show! It is quite a crazy coincidence.

Really sad there are people out there who would rather kill people than get a job.

I was thinking the same thing! As a male watcher of the show, I never liked the "pretty boys" they bring in who can't act and are just there to take their shirt off every other episode! But the few male actors I liked were Billy Miller, Tyler Christopher and Johnny Wactor. They were great actors and were very believable in their parts. Hard to believe they are all gone :(

It's almost like everyone forgot! He goes off the rails at a wedding in front of witnesses and not one person mentions his meds?

Was thinking the same thing, other than maybe Sasha? Can't they make somone a good character without killing them off?

Agree. And it makes no sense if they are trying to build him up as a mercenary or enforcer or now even a cop.

Anyone with any training learns the first thing you do is get away from a fight. He didn't even have to defend himself just get away instead of standing there like a punching bag.

He is badly miscast, I'm sure the sexy Dexy fans will downvote me but it still looked like a man beating a little boy to me.

Don't forget chasing Joss around the park :)

Great point! They always do this, even with Cameron, if they wanted him on why not bring on a new character instead of ruining the memory of Drew we all have from Billy Miller. It's unfair to the character and makes us dislike the actor/actress when it really isn't their fault.

Admitting your problem is the first step in solving it! Seriously I posted the same thing a while back and was waiting for the flames. Surprisingly many agreed.

He decided it was easier to kill people than heal them.

It's funny you say that; Carly is the one person we want to change and she it still the same :)

Look at that concentration, I am guessing food was involved?

Not caring what other people think of you. I think you get more comfortable with yourself as you get older and if other people don't like you it's their problem!

My 100 lb. "pup" hugging my poor 12 year old girl :)

But one that is afraid to go out in the rain :)

YES! I had to laugh, even when he was using the bench to exercise you still couldn't see any muscles :) Casting him as a "mercenary" was just ridiculous.

He always reminds me of a kid playing dress up! Even next to Joss he looks younger.