Idk why people think this all of a sudden means Tre is gone lol. He’ll just run the bench which I think he’ll do an excellent job with. And in the future if Castle is the PG and we have some other wing in the starting lineup, I see no reason why Tre wouldn’t still be around too

I’d definitely watch a Tre Jones x CP3 video

I shower pretty much everyday and might skip a day at most if I just literally did nothing. I’m a guy.

I got YouTube Premium and I will never not have it again

While I didn’t get any Cs, plenty of people in my accounting classes did and still got internships and a number even still got big 4 gigs due to networking, schmoozing, personality, etc. I really don’t think your GPA matters much at all coming out of college in hindsight lol. And it definitely stops mattering at soon as you get your first job. I wouldn’t stress about it.

I like Jeremy but he’s also frustrating. On one hand, there’s signs of him being a good, versatile, and smart player. He’s a good cutter, plays pretty good defense especially on wings, he’s lowkey decent in the post, and he does have pretty decent playmaking despite the experiment that I don’t wanna talk about ruining his reputation lol.

BUT I really need him to work on his consistency because he disappears in games way too often. He’s been putting in work fixing his fugly jumper and it looks better but still not great. And actually even more than his shooting is his finishing. He’s not super explosive but goddamn did he miss a lot of point blank layups and shots up close. He’s gotta work on his touch or ideally just…dunk more? It felt like a lot of times he could’ve dunked but just went up kinda soft dare I say.

He’s not gonna be a star and that’s cool but I think there’s a lot of room for improvement or he’s gonna be better suited for a bench role and that would be disappointing to me because I think he CAN be starter level for a good team.

The orange criminal is gonna beat the sleepy corpse isn’t he😑

Idc if they’re literally watching me do the transaction, I’m not tipping for you doing my order at the counter lol

I never have any sympathy when I see this from athletes lol. Like how

Also if there are athletes to not be surprised that they’ve gone broke, Brown should be one of them. He’s nuts

B-. Castle is a solid pick but they’re gonna need to figure out the shooting issue bc Castle+Sochan is some nasty nasty spacing. I’m very “meh” about the trading of the 8th pick until they indicate what they want to do with all this draft capital. I think they should’ve kept that Furphy guy instead of Nunez. And if he’s the same player that he’s been since his Stanford days, Harrison Ingram sucks lol.

Considering how lackluster this draft was though I don’t think any moves they made were gonna be super high impact anyways. So it’s whatever.

Harrison Ingram has been a prospect for like 11 years

Damn Clingan’s handsome

Stephen A and Bob Myers so obviously don’t like each other lmao

So we can watch two old fucks dodge questions later tonight