You’ll get there! You have everything you need for some crazy strong damage, you just need to tweak builds. Can I see what you have currently?

:Aventurine:the gay ratio essay guy i guess

(As for the “wouldn’t he be a warlock because he made a deal with Diamond for his power?” he’s multiclassing)

:Aventurine:the gay ratio essay guy i guess

Not quite. His luck was something bestowed on him as a child, maybe even before he was born.

:Aventurine:the gay ratio essay guy i guess

Aventurine as a wild magic sorcerer! Evidence: - has ties to Ena (eye color primarily) (who may or may not also be Gaiathra Triclops) but did not strike a deal with any higher being, instead gaining the power as a child or potentially being born with it - his blessing makes absolutely wild shit happen around him, often to the detriment of others (anyone who’s ever played with a wild magic sorcerer in their party knows the feeling) - his skills have a lot of RNG (such as his overworld technique, how much blind bet he gets from his ult, etc etc) - sorcerers get access to mage armor + shield (aventurine’s shields are magic in nature, since he’s not wearing armor like Gepard) and disguise self/alter self (being able to shapeshift into the bigger flashier boss form is something unique to Aventurine, topaz + jade apparently can’t do it) as well as enhance ability + enlarge - sorcerers also get access to mirror image! Perhaps Sunday’s meddling triggered his wild magic and that’s why he was being psychologically tormented by visions of himself? - sorcerers ALSO get access to some gambler-core skills (spray of cards mainly) and lots of spells related to manipulation (suggestion, charm person, etc etc) - ALSO. INCITE GREED. THAT IS LITERALLY HIS JOB.

And of course, the most important thing for any wild magic sorcerer: - FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL FUCK IT WE BALL

Ashe and Yuri. I’m so glad Hopes fixed that, but still. You’d think since they have a fair amount of unique battle dialogue for each other that they’d have had a support sooner.


:kaveh::alhaitham: gay gay homosexual gay

New gamemode called Imaginarium Theater.

Don’t they get murdered a lot? Then again, maybe death is better than Gilead lmao

:vul: Vulpix

Those two Pokemon are popular in… certain circles. I’m never forgiving the internet for what they did to you, vaporeon. My poor water cat :(

:kaveh::alhaitham: gay gay homosexual gay

Nobody will even know what hit ‘em, and if they try to say anything, we just do a little SCANNING and poof no more keyboard.

:Aventurine:the gay ratio essay guy i guess

Since we all seem to agree on this one, let me throw out my controversial pick for sorcerer: wild magic sorcerer Aventurine. Considering his design ties in with Ena, he’s even potentially got some spooky inborn powers going on.

:Aventurine:the gay ratio essay guy i guess

If people made more fanart where firefly was clearly wearing the metaphorical pants in this relationship that would single-handedly make me down for Caefly.

Like, Caelus isn’t a chad. He’s a little weenie bitch boy and Firefly pegs him for sure.

its exactly how they dress, particularly futaba is how basically all tgirls in stem dress

oh shit, wanderer is meta? i never even realized. i built a meme deck around him bc he's a character i really like. does anyone have some actually good decks for him lol?

i accept this name change fully because its a pun. car-apace. hehe.

good, fingers crossed he stays okay!

this has to be a meme, right? im gonna tell myself that for my own sanity.

id say it was actually ryan haywood getting exposed. it made basically the entire catalogue of achievement hunter unwatchable, and that was a huge source of popularity/revenue for the group.

Checking in two days later: How is he? Liver problems are a serious issue for cats... :(

i may be a lesbian, but--

Noooo… anything but fighting Phantylia again… 😭

in a shocking turn of events, now we have to call kaveh to come scrape his roommate off of the floor with a spatula and carry him home.