Not this year. Iowa spanked LSU and Reese in the quarterfinals, and Caitlyn was the first player picked in the draft whereas Reese was 7th. Reese had better learn how to shoot if she wants to be a star in the WNBA.

Bryant Reeves was called Big Country Kitchen after his weight gain

Three Little Maids from School is a number from the comic opera The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan. It’s set in Japan so the decorative fans the cats have is appropriate.

I agree. Now that they do the trophy presentations it’s actually paying deference to them and allowing them to have their time, even if they are the away team.

I was taught to hold the pick between the very ends of your thumb and index finger. Takes some getting used to but leads to greater precision. Also puts your palm further away from the strings so errant brushes will be less common. You can tuck your other fingers against your palm too to get them out of the way.

Tatum is the X factor for me. If he does the hero ball chuck a three approach in crunch time they will lose. If he actually lets Brown or White be the hero in those situations they might win.

The very same. Their daughter Evolutionary was always saying controversial things that eventually got the whole family kicked out of church

Reminded me of that awful green on the Seahawks unis

Pay Gasol never moved like Russell. There is footage of him grabbing a rebound and going full court like a point guard. Also I’ve never seen anyone do the moves that Wilt did in the post. But again, each is relative to its era so comparing them seems pointless.

I don’t know why we’re obsessed with comparing eras. When I see footage of Russell and Wilt I’m a genuinely amazed at what they are doing. If you transported them to the future, I think they would compete well, but if they had been born during LeBron’s time and could avail themselves of advanced training they would be even better. In other words, it’s impossible to disentangle their abilities from their respective eras in which they came up.

Traffic in a parking lot is slow moving. Backing up into a wider space where all you need is a slight turn of the wheel is way easier than threading a needle backing into a tight space. Especially if you have a big vehicle. But whatever, this is something that’s been propagated as being safer on the internet so forever it shall be. We have big parking lots in the US so it really doesn’t matter that much in the grand scheme of things. We have the luxury of parking however we want to.

Also can we discouraging backing into spots with your giant truck? You haven’t saved yourself a time, in fact you’ve wasted mine, and backing out of a spot you’ve driven forward into is way safer.

Grew up a Jordan Bulls fan. I loved Drexler on those Portland teams. Also, his team wasn’t as good but I loved Dominique

How about Chuck “The Rifleman” Person? He’s a Chuck who was a chucker.

This is classical position and will keep your wrists neutral so there is less strain. As others have mentioned, you can use a strap to get this position even while standing