Dungeon crawler where you get to do party creation?Request

Any good iOS dungeon crawlers where you get to create your party from various classes and races?

If Trump gets elected who should most be worried in what Trump could actually do for revenge? Could we see a Trump presidency that’s like his attacks on Alex Vindman and Andrew McCabe on steroids?

That’s what your snake comes out of if you are a snake charmer

Will Biden ever pardon him (either now or if he wins in 2024)?

I detest the NRA and the complaint against it related to this case that the NRA was offering an insurance for members that protected members in the event that shot someone else.

:USA: United States

This is awesome. I hope Warlord features this on their Instagram

Definitely liked Patsy’s style on the show.

Is Charles Bradley’s cover of Black Sabbath’s Changes motown in style? link to song

I think it’s going to be a nightmare for schools to plan student schedules and make sure they are able to take all required classes needed to graduate.

:USA: United States

So happy. I hope they redo all their models in plastic/that new resin.

:USA: United States

Bolt action is an infantry game. No “all tanks”, although there are rules for Tank Platoons for lots of tanks in your list in the Tank Wars book.

Army building is easy. Most play using the generic platoon list which tells you how many squads/snipers/tanks/flamethrowers etc you can take. You then spend points on what you want.

The theaters are just lists found in campaign books. They are usually variant versions of the Generic Platoon list which changes the number of things you can take (I.e. more tanks or snipers) or have alternate special rules.

Just a heads up that Bolt Action is coming out with version 3 in September if you aren’t in a rush to get into the game. Supposedly if you get the starter box, you can swap out the version 2 rulebook with a version 3 rulebook according to Warlord.

This is probably the most popular historical game I’d think, so you should be able to find plenty of people in your area to play against and learn the game from.

If Gold SM are the best and Silver SM are second best, there should be a chapter of Bronze Marines that are 3rd best

Would make a great Warcry warband

It’s not the first time he’s has this issue with Nazi related content shared to his social media. It speaks as to who is working with him when this keeps happening. Other candidates haven’t had this issue happen as often as Trump. Trump supporters will wave this off as not his doing, but it is part of a pattern with him.

I’m just curious if it gives Dems running in 2028 as a way to paint her as a “Trump supporter” in their ads.

Starter comment: I would love someone to explain to me what this means for the world overall. Has Israel alienated enough of the world that they should be worried? Is this the world telling Palestine they get a do-over from their 2006 election when Hamas gained power? Will other countries follow suit? What would have to happen for the US to join in? I am pretty ignorant of what this means for the world and posted this to see others’ comments.

The state forces students to go to schools. I think the state should also feed them. It’s not like we force people to prison and then don’t feed them.

I find this subreddit pretty pro-2nd amendment. I agree with you that the gun rights pendulum has swung too far in the conservative direction. I am curious to see in 20 years what the gun rights issue is like in this country with a conservative court loosening restrictions combined with the growth of groups like Moms Demand Action that formed as a response to school shootings.