I definitely have to stick to the theme method because if I just do what I feel like on the day, I'm going to wind up with an impressive back and Itty bitty legs.

That seems too small for all but the triceps extension and maybe svend press. Unless you've been in an extraordinary level of inactivity, I would expect that activities of daily living have trained most of your muscles past the benefit point from a 2kg weight. (Eg picking up grocery bags, putting things on shelves etc)

If you can't obtain heavier weights right now, I would encourage you to look up a bodyweight exercise plan and go from there. Alternatively, you might be able to get a cheap set of resistance bands that you can layer over the dumbells to reach a usefull level of resistance.

Mine just kind of off handedly mentioned I was informally diagnosed as a kid by several school officials, but she didn't believe in that kind of medicine so she never followed up. She had been diagnosed too when seeking drug/alcohol treatment, but "it isn't a real diagnosis."

We haven't spoke about it since.

Strength scores only update on Sunday.

I use the app caliber and am following the plan outlined in "The New Rules of Weightlifting for Women". I entered the workouts in caliber and then use it to track my progress/remind me of form.

It is harmless to your health. It just doesn't fly in those countries to just have a pop up say that it might give a false positive or negative so you should follow up with a doctor. There it either works or you don't sell it.

Edit for source: I'm an engineer that works with both US and EU regulations for our products.

It is because of heavy regulations around medical devices in those countries. Ecg is considered a medical device there and it is far easier for fitbit to disable the device than take on the cost of selling an unapproved medical device.


How else do I kill the 30-50 feral lantern flys that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?

First mistborn era and elantris are, imo, the worst things he has written. I am a near rabid fan when it comes to storm light archives, so I've been branching out to read the rest of the cosmere and those are the only ones I almost couldn't bear to get through.

My mailing address says atlanta, but I was barely 1/2 mile outside the limits to apply to this. I'm very happy to see it offered but so salty there isn't anything like it for me, even though I work in the city.

I got an irl rec to them today too. I'll check them out, thanks!

The Walgreens near me has a policy where they won't tell you if your prescription is ready or even in stock. You're supposed to show up and just try to pick it up until it is actually ready. They got so aggressive on the phone with me for asking if they had a ball park of when they expected it to come in. Apparently, letting me know would give me incentive to plan a robbery on the store. I've not been back to a Walgreens for so much as a bottle of soda since that phone call.

HIV has been used against extremely aggressive leukemia.


Im 95% sure that would have been Corticosteroids which are very different than the steroids you take for body building. They reduce swelling, nausea and inflammation. While they do tend to make people hungry and moody, they don't do anything for muscle building.

(Edited to clarify that they would not disqualify you from anything and wouldn't leave anything to detect at this stage. It's basically just a synthetic version of Cortisol and people are given them frequently.)

Pick up 400 lbs 12 times and if that isn't hard for you then straight to Paris for the '24 summer games.


You have to lift heavier. Add 5 lbs every time you can do more than 20 reps in a set until you're in a 10-20 rep range.

Edit: phone autocorrected an before 10.

I think you could adapt the program from "the new rules of weightlifting for women" by lou schuler to fit a Sat/Sunday schedule. Technically you're supposed to workout 3x a week with a day between for rest, but there are only two workouts at a time that you alternate through the plan. I would start there and take the extended option where you do each stage for 4 weeks instead of 3 before advancing. They even call out that two is probably OK with slower results expected in the book itself.

Lol I did not see the katana in the image for ages and assumed there was a prestigious show called the katana.

Haha if I had the "march to the manager" personality I wouldn't be sulking on reddit asking if I can pay extra for less conflict next time. Thanks.

That would be convenient enough. Thanks I will check it out!

I know the right answer is I should just walk over and talk to them to find out, but I just freeze and can't make myself do it. Being without my glasses and in low coverage clothing is not confidence inspiring lol.

Can you elaborate what the correct process is supposed to be? At my weekday morning team we just get in, but I know every person in the pool and they know what lane I'm supposed to be in so it feels very different than just joining a stranger.

(Barely swimming for 2 months lol)

Interesting, the staff told me the swim lanes were particularly busy in the early morning. I will check it out once my summer 5:30am swimming commitment ends.

Unfortunately, it's not a location that crosses my commute path very well, but I will keep it in mind. Thank you.