What you call a very nationalist headline is the last sentence of Atatürk's 1933 speech. It is in fact nationalist/patriotic but explain how is it offensive?

Why do you ask, are you a drone operator? ;)

Never heard this word from a Turk. Basically, never heard this word anywhere beyond reddit.

Mandatory ironical mention of France once capitulating to Hitler.

The thing in question (это) is ( %implied-is-verb% ) a bird from Europe (птица из Европы)

This bird (эта птица) is ( %implied-is-verb% ) from Europe (из Европы)


The words "это" and "птица" follow each other. This is what matches "is". This also works for all other forms of the verb "to be", and it is also the case in Turkish, Arabic etc... Russian in many cases does but differentiate between "a bird" and "the bird", and this is the case where both translate the same way. Distinction is possible ("одна птица из Европы" / "птица, которая из Европы"), but considered unnecessary.

Exactly. And imagine, you don't even have to fight.

The Imperial German legacy is hard to overcome for beavers as well.

İzmarit, çöp meselesinde Singapur modunu açabilir miyiz, lütfen?

Okay. If something happened, it happened on Turkish soil. This IS in the Turkish news. There ARE non-mainstream media in Turkey (non-Islamist / non-Nationalist / non-antiwestern, choose one). Find Turkish journalists that tried to get in touch with El Al, maybe?

Why aren't I reading the same from Guardian, BBC, Associated Press, New York Times, DW...? Weren't their editorials able to independently contact the crew to get the details? Aren't Middle Eastern affairs hot news any more?

Turkey refusing to earn extra couple of bucks? Don't shit me. The captain decided to take off and refuel in Rodos because of commercial reasons -- fuel was either cheaper there or supplied within an existing agreement.

All aircraft parts and components only have that much flight hours each before maintenance /replacement. Typically, that's thousands of hours. Every maintenance is days if not weeks. Do you need a hotel with a 50% down time?

Bauhaus, most likely. Koçtaş (big ones). Banio. Order online.

What do I have to see in this picture?

I don't have reliable data. However, out of the top 10 cities by population, you omitted 5, namely Seville, Bilbao, Malaga, Asturias and Las Palmas. All have Romanian (ethnic or -born) population of slightly or moderately below 20k, which seems to be the threshold you used in making this map. There's even a Romanian consulate in Seville. A map showing population percentage would be more informative.