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2 nights for Rumble makes so much sense as much as I wouldn’t want to overdo the 2 night thing

I haven’t been watching WWE much other than highlights and PPVs but I know that if they don’t have Dunne working as a nasty heel, that’s the first problem

:libleft: - Lib-Left

Least egotistical Libright

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There’s never been a WWE men’s world champion that was born in the 90’s, but if Orton was as old as he was when he first won the world title and won it today, that stat would still be true because he would’ve been born in the 2000’s

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When old man Orton won the rumble in 2017, he was the same age as Batista when he first won

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I mean not really. You can’t just release a player from a contract because they’re bad, you have to buy them out and you still have to pay them. If they can release guys from their contracts they should be able to quit as well.

The entire Western Conference minus the California teams, Vancouver, Nashville and Chicago.

I’d rather stay close to home and not be constantly travelling across the country so if I go west I want to go somewhere nice to make up for it at least.

Anytime someone genuinely wants his help and to get better he seems to be really nice and supportive

:libleft: - Lib-Left

Bro was really proud enough of this Facebook meme that he posted it to 4 different subs

:libleft: - Lib-Left

I hate that people like this exist

By this I assume you mean the AIC fans reacting by crying that Layne was better and they should be pissing on his grave and giving him attention instead

There’s a lot of things to dog on AEW for but their wrestling is not it. The idea that OP spent a day putting this compilation together a day after AEW put on one of the best matches in the last decade is just hater energy

MTL - NHL :60807:

This is how you end up accidentally going to Minnesota or some shit

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My headcanon is that Shane just learned about AEW’s existence a week ago

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Counterpoint: tons of classic matches have taken place at the Royal Rumble. Cena/Styles, Cena/Rollins/Lesnar, Angle/Benoit to name a few

Thanks bro, reaching for my calc until I saw your comment. (Calc is short for calculator, I’m just using slang)

Calling it now, Bruins build a solid team but regress to 3rd in the Atlantic due to no longer having 2 elite guys in net to win games and stay rested but everyone overreacts and calls them washed anyway, then they go to the cup final as a much deeper team and probably lose again.