Duff Beer for me,

Duff Beer for you,

I'll have a Duff,

You'll have one too ...

Ya, it can come from poop too, animal or human. Someone doesn't wash hands properly can pass it on.

Oh don't feed the trolls. You are never going to convince them to think / act differently.

Kavanaugh has received one of the lowest amounts of "gifts" on the SC

That we know of. He did have a huge credit card debit reportedly 200k and a 92k country club fee that magically went away.

Sometimes you need to seed the new litter box with some cat litter from the other box.

And sometimes they just are jerks who don't appreciate your effort.

unplug the network cable and let the cached credentials sign you in.

He lost the popular vote by a landslide, but only lost the electoral college by what ? 50,000 votes or so ? While I hope he loses by a landslide in the EC, i suspect it will be close again in those swing states.

I wouldn't rip out the floor with out getting an agreement with the installers first. Or OP could be stuck with no floors while they continue to dispute the scope of the work.

We had that for a week while they took a while to fix the water main outside our office. SUCKED. At least I was able to work from home a couple days of the week.

Lots of people took little drives to the 7/11 down the road for bathroom breaks rather than haul in pails of water to flush.

It also included the second largest attendance of last year.

While I totally get data can be shaped to show what you want. The city probably knows that they really can't lie about public information. It's just a FOIP request away, and I bet some media outlets already have those in progress.

Are you intentionally forgetting about the increased population that will be using hotels for showers and whatever else? or??? cause it’s not just about the use at the stampede. Also the people travelling to stampede may not know or care about the water situation

They didn't just look at stampede water usage when they looked.

They went back 5 years on daily city use and didn't see any significant increase on the system during stampede.

There was a Canadian POS software called Auto Star that used SCO Unix for their back end and . I had to support about 50 pharmacies with that p.o.s. POS .

So just do you and live your life. Sure report the fire pit people since that a mandatory ban, but just don't worry about other people showering and all that. It's voluntary . Some people are going to all in (like you) and some people are just going to not give a shit. Can't change that.

And getting upset about it just isn't worth it. Life is way too short.

I applaud your efforts, but no one said you cant shower, or wash clothes, or do dishes.

The point of the voluntary restrictions was to get everyone to pitch in a little to reduce usage.

So take a quicker shower, don't let water run more that necessary. Do a full load of laundry and just don't do single pair of favorite pants. Do a sink full or use the dishwasher if you have one since its more efficient than hand washing.

Take a breather and relax, in a week or so this should be over and we can go back to normal.

Though to be honest, I probably will try (at least for a couple weeks !) to keep my water usage down somewhat. I admit prior to the restrictions, I probably was a bit wasteful. I am now mindful of that.

Just to add and clarify, even the gas fire pits are banned at the moment.

Under the fire ban, the following are prohibited:

Open fires

Propane/natural gas fire pits

Outdoor chimeneas

Recreational solid fuel barbecues and stoves (charcoal briquettes or wood)

Tiki torches

All fireworks permits will be reviewed on a case by case basis

All indoor and open-air flame fires with or without an existing approved CFD permit will be reviewed on a case by case basis

He makes 25 million in fees each year for managing that 2 billion in Saudi money. Plus a share of any profit he makes.

If the blowout happened in the sidewall, tire shops won't fix that.

Proper storage in the supply chain is important as well. That can cause milk to spoil faster.

But that said, people also open milk and smell it and it smells off. They don't realize that the milk on the carton spout can make off smells, when the milk is perfectly fine.

It's better to pour a small amount into a cup and smell / taste that. I had an in law that was complaining about milk spoiling faster. Turns out that was her issue. She was throwing out milk ever week.