Thought this was r/shittydarksouls for a sec with this one

Apple dongle’s all you need in this case

I think the real goal is getting the office and groundwork locked in for whatever VP is on the ticket. Trump’s obviously not the pinnacle of health and one has to wonder if he’d make it through the full 4 years. Securing the spot for a batshit VP could very well be the longer term game here.

It depends on what level of performance you’re after honestly. I just picked up a Lenovo Legion Pro 5i that outperforms my tower for about the same price I paid to build the tower, but that’s for mid-range-ish specs/performance. When you get up to 4090s and shit the difference in performance relative to the cost is definitely more notable.

It is awfully convenient that a solid percentage of the accounts shouting all of this are username_word1234 accounts.

You can find laptops with 4060s in them for under $1000, and the mobile 4060s are pretty damn close to desktop 4060s in terms of performance. The downside for that price will likely be the display as you mentioned, but other than that it’d be a solid machine

I’d focus in on a couple of particular roles you’re shooting for and just have one resume to generally cover them. Rewriting your resume constantly is going to exponentially add to the time and effort involved per app.

For cover letters, this might not be the best advice, but on my last job search I essentially ad-libbed it with a handful of select sentences customized to the company itself, while the rest of my cover letter was fairly general “I’m good shit” stuff (stats of previous performance, shit like that) and pretty universally applicable to the few different roles I was after.

If you haven’t already, also try to hunt down the hiring manager for the role on LinkedIn and message them to follow up or express your excitement for the role. Might be tough to find the right person depending on how big the company is, but it’s never a bad thing to message a handful of people and throw some shit at the wall to ideally get them talking about your outreach internally.

This is indeed the hard truth. I got laid off last year and it took me 7 months and over 400 applications to finally land my current job. There’s no other answer except to hunker down and grind it out until something comes through because the reality, as you’ve said here, is that you’ll only get interviews from a small percentage of the apps that you send out.

The bracelet on the Oris BCPD is super comfortable, combined with the shape of the case it just melts into your wrist

It’s an absolute cash grab

You know movies cost money, and need to earn money back after being made right? How do you think they earn that money?

That’s not what I said but okay lol.

Your whole argument is that they have a “valid business interest” in asserting their copyright over old games that aren’t being made available through official channels. Then you said yourself that they’d make a killing if they did make those games available through official channels.

Does it not follow that they’d have just as much if not even more of a valid business interest in making those games available for purchase digitally compared to blowing money “asserting their copyright” and in reality not actually changing anything?

They never would, but if Nintendo were to sell "official" ROMs of old games on digital download they'd probably make a fucking killing.

And this is precisely the argument against your post, they would make a killing. But instead of doing that, they for some reason refuse to make digital downloads of old games available and just slap people with lawsuits who try to make the games accessible in their stead

This is why I won’t hesitate to talk shit about the whole trend of “no-buys” and people frequently making posts about “how to cope during your no-buy” or whatever. It’s frankly a super cringe aspect of this community and all of the la-dee-da “joking” about lacking fundamental impulse control is a massive problem here. It’s absolutely perpetuated by the community at large as you’ve pointed out here.

Coining the term “no-buy” in the first place was the first mistake and only gives people an in-group excuse for the behavior.

This sounds like a big case of academic overthinking when the simple fact of the matter is that people here keep buying shiny shit they don’t need because they’re in a social media bubble of a million other people constantly buying shiny shit they don’t need and joking about how “idk how I’ll pay the rent this month haha but here’s my 4 new M800s I bought” as some sort of justification for their poor impulse control

I’ve seen one user in this sub who’s been consistently posting new batches of like 35 Chinese pens they’ve purchased at a time damn near every other week, some people in here are straight up coping lol

Sure, but nobody needs 400+ pens like some people in this sub have.

Ah yes, because a fully serrated OTF is the sensible, practical choice

Most did need a guide to figure out their builds and where to find items that benefited certain play styles.

Source? Or are you just making shit up?

In fact I'd wager most people's first characters are some sort of structured build.

Based on what? Another sweeping generalization.

You aren't able to have fun with the game unless you're able to competently kill at least basic enemies comfortably without being a fairly balanced character with offensive and defensive options. You're not killing higher level enemies unless you can do enough damage to do so after all.

People beat these games with level 1 characters and bare fists. Anybody else could do the same without any prior knowledge, the only prerequisite being that they have the patience for it. And idk how you’re the judge of the threshold for other people having fun in a game lol.

No one's gonna be able to do that in their first blind playthrough unless they were shown how.

Sure they can. You don’t need to do some min-max dual katana bleed build to be able to beat the game. See the last almost 15 years of leveling STR with a club to bonk everything that moves.

The item descriptions tell you exactly how to use the items though? And when you're first introduced to Melina she specifically tells you that she helps you turn your runes into strength, i.e. level up. Most of the stats are pretty self-explanatory and you can see the effect leveling them would have before confirming the level. You definitely don't need a guide to figure these things out unless you're going for a specific build and want to min-max your stats for it or something.