What is it with emotionally immature fathers being a**holes to their sons? I feel like this is an epidemic amongst ex-husbands. Like they are downright threatened by their sons' being more mature and intelligent than they are.

Worked for an office that didn't allow us to have pepper spray, yet required female employees to open the office alone at O Dark 30 at the back of the building in a very dark parking lot with a faulty motion light. My husband insisted on driving me the 30 minutes and seeing me in safely thankfully, however the other 2 young ladies opened alone. I argued that it wasn't safe to the owner but she was worried about a liability lawsuit from an attacker if we sprayed them more than she worried about our safety. Can you imagine?

A year or more long dream and planning to move north from Florida finally happened for us. Lots of work leading up to this but we got here May 4th. It's so lovely here. We feel like we're decompressing and so much more relaxed. I hope you will find the same. The people here are very friendly.

We are working with Scott Tetrault (pronounced Tay-trow). He is the bomb.com and we have found the best house with him! His number is 802-503-0121. We moved here from Florida May 4th.

My friend's son lives in Columbus and she says it's a great town. (I am a recent transplant to New England from the Tampa area. Raised in Michigan)

As a mother (58, white, no particular religion), I want my son to live HIS life. I'm grateful he is able to financially and emotionally support himself. The things I want most for him are to be happy, fulfilled, loved, and content. He and his husband moved to where they wanted, a place that feeds their dreams. This makes me happy. I will never ask him for money. I'm simply grateful we have a close relationship. My stepmother, a chronic substance abuser with a gambling habit, was always begging her young adult children for money with some sob story or another. In fact, she had lost her disability money at the casino. It made me so angry. Her behavior was repulsive. I guess that made me feel even more strongly that I'd never be a burden to my child. Talk to mom. Maybe you can come up with a plan to save to move to a place where you can be happy. If you're willing for her to come along, pool your money to move together so you can get on with your life.

We just moved from Florida, staying in Wheelock for the summer. We've been all over the middle area of the state from Burlington to St. J and up to Swanton area. We have Verizon and have had at least decent to good reception as long as we're not under a metal roof. Hope this is helpful and good luck! It's just lovely here and the people are friendly💕

We just moved to upstate NY from Tampa. 2 days ago the feels like temp was 108. Allergies were terrible, real estate and rents are high, taxes aren't that low, finding home owners or rental insurance is difficult and expensive, auto insurance is sky high now because the population has exploded since covid, traffic is mind numbingly frustrating...I could go on. Florida is not like you think of when you're on vacation there.

Is it the wire coating? My folks had a vehicle that squirrels or something got into over the winter. The damn thing burst into flames while they were driving it. They barely got themselves and their dog out before the front was engulfed in flames. What a nightmare.

No grandchild. You're too young yet.

Are you looking to argue? You seem to think you're pretty intelligent but I think you're just argumentative.

I near legit killed myself trying to look cool in those shoes!

Weird. I used to have one on my thigh but I can't find it anymore. Strange that it was there for 50 plus years and suddenly not there.

Penske truck is a much nicer ride. My son has driven both. Everything about the Penske is better in fack. I don't have advice on diesel vs. Regular gasoline.

You might check out the Chrysler Pacifica then. All the seats in that fold into the floor so you could have the full floor. The sienna middle row seats don't fold into the floor. A mini van will give you a nice ride.

We are currently driving from Tampa Bay to Vermont in a Toyota Sienna and we have a ton of crap with us besides the 2 Labradors and 2 cats with full size litter box and 2 adults and it's pretty good. We're all comfortable.

Dang girl, you can pull them all off, and we'll! I like #1 best, but really, you can't go wrong with any of them.

Might be worth something! Do they even make ashtrays anymore?