Rhea was probably the top women merch seller in 2023, she was the only female on a lot of the top merch sales lists.

On the 20lorepro discord, someone posted 3 from a case too.

Trent? Maybe cause I don't follow much these days that I had no idea Trent was going heel and best friends was ending

Fuck, between Drew and Priest, so much truthbombs came out from heels today

As much as people loved for Cody to finish his story, as him as a Babyface, he's been quite bland since becoming champ.

NBA is a star driven league. You don't want your stars to leave cause they drive in revenue. If your team does bad, even if you think your players are to blame, it's easier to to change coaches to appease your players to keep them happy. Also if a star player has issues with the coach, teams will almost always just side with the star.

With Cena slowing down and on his way out, I love that the kids will have a new face to look up to and that activity and constantly gives back to them too.

It clogs the deck if you play more than 1 imo

My guess was that was on purpose, they were part of Roman's run and all came out to celebrate with Cody got ending the bloodline terror. Punk came out minutes after the rest, so I kinda use that to seperate his appearance.

First he wrestled with a broken freakin' neck, then he had like another 15 year career after dying here. Dude is real.

My guess (if real injury) is it happened offscreen or on WM, and they did the backstage angle to write her off television whilst giving Liv a storyline continuation were Rhea.

I think the only collab I can see working is a shield reunion, where all 3 members get to look good against monster heels. Probably a shield reunion on a WWE PPV, then Rollins does a PPV show for aew. But ya it ain't happening.

My bet is he'll show up for a few appearances throughout the year. He's on the board of directors now so it's in his best interest to help grow the brand now. Also he's mentioned liking these 1year builds. And clearly there's either a continuation not the Cody feud or a bloodline civil war they can do with him so things are already brewing. My guess is SummerSlam is the next time we'll see the Rock.


Captain TBone! For some reason they made this low end antagonist so honorable!

My guess is his poor promos. His superman strength gimmick was fun, but once he was on the mic, it was very average


Remember Cena's burning line: 'i won the title and used it as a beacon to help newer guys elevate their game. You took the ic title and saw it as a demotion'.

Time heals most wounds. Look up the hatred between Toronto and Vince Carter when he left. It took about a decade to mend things, and now most understand he'll probably get his number retired sometime after they honor Lowry (they want him first in). I wouldn't be surprised if the same happens for KD. Eventually there will be no bad blood between the newer gen of fans and him. He'll talk highly of the org and transition more into a legend on his way out, gaining a lot of sympathy to all fans.