If you don’t know how to put out a fire, you shouldn’t be doing dumb shit to cause one!

That goes double to the nimrod with the bottle rockets in his hand….

Aside from the family of the deceased, my sympathies also to the police/detectives who had to respond to such a horrific scene.

Sophia Vergara doesn’t age like fine wine.

Fine wine ages like Sophia Vergara!

I like how the story quickly devolves into you acting in the same petulant way as a 15 year old child.

Everything your brother said is absolutely correct. YTA!

“I get that Miami is the more popular city in Florida..”

You answer your own question. More people live in, visit and spend money in Miami. That makes it a significantly more attractive place to launch a franchise than Orlando.

:WutangKnicks: Wu Tang Knicks

Isn’t Lauri more of a wing than a center? Like, the reason why he didn’t work out on his other teams is because he’s not good at doing center things?

Apparently the Hornets weren’t trying to pay Kenny’s assistants, so he backed out before signing the contract.


It’s not our fault you’re such an ass to your family, so why should anyone give you advice?!

Why shouldn’t we build high speed rail while simultaneously building/investing in regional and local transit?

Never said it was unlimited or to build lines for the sake of lines, just that we can afford to do both.

Given how rich our nation is, it’s only political will that prevents us from prioritizing both.

Kick him out and make him sleep outside if he wants fresh air so fucking badly. The audacity of this so called man!

Obviously NTA and he should be ashamed for even having you think you’re somehow at fault for wanting an air conditioner.

:nyk-1: Knicks

I love when ESPN talks as if the fired coach wasn’t the problem, like Monty was forced to play Killian Hayes all those minutes.

The G construction has already been paid for, and like every other G train rider you will have to find alternative arrangements until summer is over.

I don’t think it’s limited to just this playoff run. It feels like that’s been the case for a few seasons now.

:WutangKnicks: Wu Tang Knicks

Personally, I see it as water under the bridge. Still fuck Boston, but I’m happy for him!

:nyk-1: Knicks

Make lopsided trades with the Nets? I agree!

:nyk-1: Knicks

The Nets have built dynasties!

Just not for their own team…