Be aware that, in addition to being expensive, you may change the look too much to be attractive. Just like the hem, the seams being altered may be distressed, and when the seams are taken in the distressing goes away. This can look quite different from how the seams look above the alteration. Personally I try for alterations you would never see.

Would these jeans look cute at a shorter length?

going to increase the shoulder slope on the pattern

Just on the one shoulder.

I hate to say this, but if the bespoke tailor is unable to resolve this, I don't think anyone online can either. While still working with the tailor, you should prioritize looking for a plan B. You barely have time left for alterations on an off the rack tux.

As u/SanguineHepatica said, only good way will be to change the top section to a narrower waistband, so the fullness goes over the hips. Because you're not going to enlarge the area you've been trying to get on over your hips without destroying the look of the garment.

I feel that the top of this skirt is meant to sit at mid hip, not waist. It's a smaller size overall than you are. Can you get it in a larger size?

I assume you'll have the dress hemmed? For this specific dress, I might trim the edge of the V with the flowers from the hem scraps. To continue the theme you could do the same trim up to the shoulders, so the flowers hang over the edge of the plunge and onto the mesh and your chest a little bit. This way you would still see the plunge, but the deepest and widest part of it would be somewhat obscured by the flowers. Same V shape, more privacy.

It's not so uncommon for old people who want to commit suicide to simply refuse food. My grandma went that way. It took longer for her because she was in the hospital where they fed her intravenously. But that is not enough to sustain a person indefinitely.

So would I. If my vote is therefore going to Kamala, that's fine.

Remember, two weeks notice is a courtesy not a legal requirement.

10 years ago I honestly thought that the number of people holding such far right views was too small to worry about. I no longer believe that.

This is so wrong it's silly. 2025 is a far right agenda, nothing Democratic about it.

no one thinks project 2025 is a good idea to move our country forward do they?!???

Well yes, they do in fact. I'm not so sure this "guide" is an accurate representation, much to my dismay. But indeed the Heritage Foundation (who wrote it) is a very well funded and established entity which is inexorably pushing us in this direction.

I don't know why you were downvoted. The legal protections of marriage are real, and especially concerning property and children. I too would not advise buying property or having kids until married, just for those legal protections.

How many of those are new since yesterday?

For holding up the bust, you'd be well served by the addition of boning. I know the dress has boning now, but I'd double up on it across the bust, and encourage you to try boob tape to provide a bit more support. Rather than stop below the bustline, a few lines of strong boning need to extend over the bust to the top of the dress exactly how the princess line boning does now. I would have done both those things before changing to a corset back, but I expect it's too late now.

As for the dropped waist, it looks great where it is. If you choose to raise it, be aware that you will shorten the hemline as well, by possibly a bit more than the amount you want to lift it on the sides. Personally I wouldn't. I think the lower waistline enhances your figure nicely.

When you lose weight, the first garments which become unalterably too big are pants. It has to do with where the crotch curve fits on your body. Once your butt shrinks a bunch, you no longer fill the space designed to hold your old butt. These pants look acceptable for every day wear, baggy but not too weird.

Good job on those darts by the way; that's exactly the best place to put them.

I think the sleeves in the 3d pic would work well on that dress pattern. Perhaps could be made from your mom's sleeves if the colors/fabrics are compatible.

I'm not sure about the neckline/collar change. Your mom's collar hugs her neck, which involves a closer neckline than the dress in pic #1. I think your mom's neckline and collar are more like this one, and that you'd need a different variation of a queen anne's collar or to substantially change the neckline of your dress.

I live near the DMV in Capitola. Fewer fireworks overall, but louder. More dynamite, I assume. A few times my door & windows shook.

I went to my local coffee shop the next day, and every single barista was wearing black.

I've absolutely had people tell me they were voting for their party specifically for the Supreme Court. Some people consider the Supreme Court to be the most important branch of government.

The first amendment works perfectly fine online. The government is not restricting your online speech. Unless you think Reddit is the government?

Current presidency aside, I support the whole idea of the president getting enough sleep to function at a high level. 12-18+ hour days should be the exception not the rule for anyone who needs to be sharp. We need our president to be alert and oriented. So, good call Biden.

Every president I've watched in my 70 years has aged way more than the 4-8 years they were in office. It's a killer job, and lack of sleep is one of the big killers.

he's called to have cars illegally towed in the past, and flashes his badge to the tow truck drivers so that they don't ask questions.

To not get towed. Also, to not end up with a bad rep with the neighborhood cop and the nypd overall.

Fit wise, the most positive result will be to add fabric on the sides. Maybe you'll need to replace the straps too, could possibly use your red/black lace or something that is premade but looks similar. Since this dress is sleeveless, it might (maybe) work to add the fabric all at the back. That could also look amazing if done well.

Not to throw cold water on your ideas, but you should plan to spend a couple hundred dollars plus your materials at a tailor. Especially if you do a lace-up corset back. It should not be necessary to both add fabric and add a corset back, but I would not be sure without seeing it in person and taking some measurements. Because it's tight in the hips, it is certain you need to add fabric. A corset only increases the size in the bodice.