The time is ripe for a Rex Hamilton comeback!


Ahh... you're right. Pretty clear 

2nd camera must have decent zoom, and AMAZING stabilization tech to handle what had to have been some strong laughing

Director:  Now, for the scene, can you make your ear ring hold still for 2 seconds?

Fanning: Which ear?

Joan Crawford-acting level achieved🥇

More accurate, unlike the dishonest song "Kiss the Girl".  That song never mentions the part about the pepper-spray and all that pressing charges stuff.

Rear what? Let me guess, it's porn, right?    Right??

If the rainbow doesn't get it banned, they'll charge that the little ponies putting the scrotum-looking pouch in their mouths is "grooming"

Wondering if she went back to question Erryk, and maybe that played a part in Erryk getting to the chambers just in time?

That's what the tone and expression on this face conveyed, that he accepts her as she is. But the actual choice of words didn't quite line up. Made me think of Tommy Lee Jones saying to Harrison Ford "I don't care!"

Oh, it was beyond limits. But that didn't stop it from working. Cole was quick on his feet with the manipulation. He eventually found a way to crack him. He turned it from it being about his honor, to being about the whole team.

A: "You cannot think that I did this!"
C: "What I think is has no relevance! You have brought disgrace upon our ranks."