Came here to say this. Parius does not get the attention they deserve!

Amazing work! The edited fallout frames really fit the Dune feel. Look forward to seeing more!

Re-upload with a bleeding edge. Enjoy!

Thank you! Might make more based on the other fallout show character posters in the future.

Yeah I know the flavour is off. I'm just making a Nethroi deck and really wanted the Ghoul to be the commander.

Good catch! Totally slipped my mind Ill have to add that in.

Im looking forward to being around a campfire out in the woods with my friends again. Its been so long that I've seen any of my friends I cant wait to enjoy their company again.

Just had surgery a little over a month ago finally recovered and able to get back into my workout routine.

I don't like the Legend of Zelda.

I understand why people do but I didn't grow up with it so for me the game just isn't my thing and have no drive to play it whatsoever.

I'd be careful. I use to own this case and it turned the screen protector brown. Not a huge deal since it was just a protector but was a pain to see a brown line across my phone every time I turned it on.