I was not yet a gleam in my mama’s eye

Books. Certain school supplies, like pens and notebooks. I always loved getting my school supplies, and the urge to shop for supplies has never gone away. I’ll wander the aisles or browse the websites for anything I could possibly use.

Emetophobe here, I’ve had nightmares about people around me puking. I myself haven’t thrown up since 4th grade. I’m 44 now.

Way too much time is spent on the contestant stories and gimmicks. It always has been, but it’s getting worse. I wish they would focus less on the stories and more on the actual contest. Stop digesting runs too.

I could’ve sworn I heard Jeff call her Poverty more than once.


A girl should never feel like she has to say yes to a public proposal of any kind. To spare his feelings? His ego? To make him look good in front of onlookers? Why are we still putting this kind of thing on the girl? Will he be embarrassed by the rejection? Maybe. It’s risk he assumes by asking.

These jackwagons really think DID is having a whole mess of alters, each with full personality, just having a party inside a host’s mind. They date each other. They probably have children.

It’s absurd.

I was born in 1980 and don’t have kids. My siblings all do so I’m Auntie to many. Only one of my mom’s siblings has kids.

I think the push by older generations to have kids has decreased significantly. People know children are optional.

Everyone I work with is well aware of my situation. They work around my various appointments and my physical limitations. I do wonder some days how much longer I can do this.

I’m a pharmacy technician in a retail pharmacy. I have no set schedule and work 30-40 hours a week. I do ok. I don’t take breaks as often as I should. I’m working on that. When I get off work I’m exhausted. I’m just glad I’m still able to handle it.

I was in my early teens (I think) when this aired and it freaked me out. My sisters and I still talk about how scary it was.

What is TTC?

This person has a history of taking and not giving. She’s not reliable and lacks sensitivity in dealing with your losses and grief.

It doesn’t sound like he is in a relationship. He has a friend with benefits, or a girl he gets to bang occasionally. He has no use for you when you not in bed. His fixing food for himself only is a sign he’s done.

Girl, find yourself a guy who wants to be in a relationship with you.

There is usually an opt-out for the parents. I knew a few students when I was in school who weren’t present during the sex-ed part of health class.

Yep, I just looked it up. She was 2 at the time (2015) and wasn’t allowed to do what she wanted. Threw herself on the floor just as the President entered the room. Her brother tweeted the photo and it went viral.