Glint seems to be inconsistent at best in this game. Idk how they still haven't fixed it.

Ugly. Likely concrete as another person mentioned.

This is pretty standard procedure for big events like this. It just gives extra resources and flexibility to the state.

You should get a budget. How are raises and promotions determined? If you aren’t the one putting those numbers in, run, don’t walk, out of that company.

Second this. If you have a place you can test them out, go do it. The way is sits in your hand is super important. For example I like wustof because I have bigger hands but my wife likes Japanese knives for the opposite reason.

Depends upon how close you are to the individual. Anywhere from $50-$200.

I don't like any of the small maps or resurgence, so I guess I'm with you?

Probably the best option. OP learned the hard way, take your medicine and do your best to get it reduced.

All good things contain more butter and salt than most people are comfortable seasoning with but it’s why restaurant food is so good.

Looks like perhaps they were hand written from memory. I could understand if some things were missing.

Hello fellow Madisonian! Do you have a favorite grass mix that is local? My yard is looking rough this year so I’m going to start rehabbing it this fall.

It’s one of the better local festivals. Feels like a kick off to summer. I just love small local festivals with music and stuff.

As far as I know they started in Verona.

No, their patty melt is actually pretty good and their Denver omelette is as well (though my favorite omelette is the chili omelette at the original pancake house).

Amazing! I missed that, thank you for letting me know. I was able to go back and find it. For others looking for these recipes here is the post: 

I don’t get this line of thinking. No way other top streamers and content creators wouldn’t immediately call it out. They all compete for eyes. As someone else mentioned the really good non-pro is closer to the worst player than they are to these pros.

Surprised no one mentioned T-Pain. He uses auto tune too much for my liking but when he doesn’t the guy can sing.

5 in a row gets you a contract. Doesn’t matter the mode.

Cash flow was way too easy IMO. The number of times I'm heading into 6th/7th circle with like 10k-20k is crazy. It makes the game more difficult, yes, but isn't that the point? If you're able to just run unlimited UAVs, then it becomes easier.

All this can be faked and really well. I used to work for a company that made phishing software (used for internally for training). We could make emails look completely legit, get through spam filters, and then create websites that looked identical to the actual login site to capture credentials.