Reminded me of the one poking its head out in Caelid as well

They should have leaned a lot more into Messmer and involved his story in the events of the DLC with Miquella more.

It really felt like From half assed two things when they should have just whole assed one , when it comes to trying to craft a story around Messmer and Miquella both.

This isn’t unpopular but my interest in Miquella as a character was butchered after the DLC. Wasn’t poignant enough, the “twist” of him weaponizing his affection was meh, and using Mogh’s body WAS interesting until we see the end result.

And a “vow” that I have no interest in sadly. It just feels like a subversion of expectations for the sake if subverting expectations, rather than being a poignant twist. Involving Godwyn in the story was the obvious thing to do, and would have been 100x more poignant than Radahn.

Yup. And we are only given hints as to why after the fact.

I think the team couldn’t find any good twist with Godwyn being the final boss that wasn’t already discussed by the fans if I’m being honest.

I feel the same way about this, and it leaves me a little disappointed.

Miquella’s story so underwhelming. Sure, I guess there was some long term vow we had no idea about, making sense of the final boss. But reading the remembrance i just couldn’t help but chuckle. It felt like a decision that was made solely to subvert expectations.

I agree with this, but I’m someone who takes my time exploring, reading descriptions and wanting to explore every corner before I “advance” in the game.

I assume I was at the appropriate scadutree level at every remembrance bosses, and I was able to beat all after slowly learning their move set. Bayle and the Last Boss were the only who gave me fits. Bayle I just can’t stand fighting larger bosses tbh, and the Last Boss I had to completely change my play style to beat.

The last boss is the only one I will definitely say is un-enjoyably hard. Way too much going on screen in the second phase to ever learn from, and some fucking annoying attacks with little to no “tells” in the first phase.

Yeah, the new beast claws and light great swords have been ridiculously fun to use so far

yikes, can’t help but just find solace that I am not one of these people when I read this shit.

It’s sorta sad. Being (presumably) an adult and still hoisting people up on pedestals where they can do no wrong.

The Celtics gave out a huge payday to Jrue, and Kristaps also holds a big salary. I think the biggest reason for committing to high numbers for both those guys in spite of Jrue’s age and KP’s injury history is BECAUSE the limitation on aggregating salaries via trade.

I think the Celtics FO see Brown, Tatum and White as our “core” to keep together, after this year the Celtics will have options, but those options will revolve around fundamental changes to the roster construction. It will be very interesting to see playout

I think it’s moreso both Ranni and Miquella needed Radahn dead for their independent goals of rising to godhood. Ranni helps out Miquella but also advances their goals, and (if you chose Ranni’s ending) even finds their Lord in the process.

Ranni’s quest is related to the hole that opens up in Limgrave after IIRC, and Miquella for DLC reasons

Yeah, I agree on the points it wouldn’t work with the format, but I could definitely be wrong.

This may be a super hot take, because I know it’s VERY loved on the internet and both Isaiah and Hunter have discussed it in their personal channels, but I just don’t see any SCP episodes being my cup of tea, though I could see it lending itself as another “grab bag” episode.

Absolutely. I do want them to continue to play with the format, and not “box themselves in” so to speak.

Going into Short Stories / ARGs / Video Format is great not only as an audience member, but I assume makes things more exciting for them as creators, which at the end of the day as long as they enjoy making the content I know I will enjoy watching :)


I like the longer running videos / stories typically it provides Hunter and Isaiah more to discuss and critique as they are reading it. While this video was fun for nostalgia purposes, I think all three stories were not good, and the only “good” part of the episode was when Hunter completely checked out of Ben Drowned and started goofing off.

I’m all for the bad story episodes like The Thing in the Basement, here and there, but Hunter and Isaiah have really gotten into a great grove of analyzing the stories in front of them and discussing it together, and it’s insight that I want to hear. So basically I much prefer good/decent stories that have enough there for the boys to sink their teeth into.

Holy shit just sign with the 6ers already, your ass is not going to Detroit, Utah or San Antonio be for real.

Hopefully that team can put something around him. It’s really hard for me to analyze Cade as a player due to his situation.

Rob will go down as another Celtics “what if?” for me. He was truly dynamic on the defensive end that season, and I think was going to be winning DPOY over Smart if he didn’t get injured in the later half of the season.

It’s a shame, but I always see Warriors fans on this sub giving him that much credit, which is nice to see.

You’re asking people who are going to fundamentally disagree with you here lol.

He threw a little shade at the Celtics after we traded him IIRC, and allegedly didn’t take it well when his name was coming up in trade discussions prior.